Patent: William Tranter

Britain 1862

A.D. 1863, 27th July. № 1862

Revolving Fire-arms.

LETTERS PATENT to William Tranter, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Maker, for the Invention of “Improvements in Breech-loading and other Revolving Fire-arms.”

Sealed the 18th September 1863, and dated the 27th July 1263.

PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Tranter at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with his Petition, on the 27th July 1868.

I, WiLLiam Tranter, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Maker, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “Improvements in Breech-loading and other Revolving Fire-arms,” to be as follows:—

My Invention consists in the several combinations of parts herein-after described.

The first part of my Invention consists in the adaptation and application to such fire-arms of a plunger for forcing out the empty cartridge case, such plunger being worked by a lever having its fulcrum on the upper part of the frame, the plunger being thereby retained in its position when not required for use.

The second part of my Invention consists in forming the shield at the back of the revolving chamber with a hole for the insertion of the cartridge in the chamber, which hole is closed, after loading, by means of a stud fixed on n plate working on a pin screwed into the frame, the plate being retained in its position by means of a click or otherwise.

The third part of my Invention consists in forming the butt cap with two segmental projections, or with two or more studs, for the purpose of fixing the stocks to the handles of revolving pistols, such projections or studs being driven into the ends of the stocks.

And the last part of my Invention consists in adapting and applying to the front part of the cock or hammer a spring click working in combination with the lever for retaining the revolving chamber as required, which lever is formed with a projection in front of the cock capable of being acted on by the said click.

SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said William Tranter in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 27th January 1864.

TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I, William Tranter, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Maker, send greeting.

WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, in the twenty-seventh year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant unto me, the said William Tranter, Her special license that I, the said William Tranter, my executors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as I, the said William Tranter, my executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “Improvements in Breech-loading and other Revolving Fire-arms,” upon the condition (amongst others) that I, the said William Tranter, by an instrument in writing under my band and seal, should particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent.

NOW KNOW YE, that 1, the said William Tranter, do hereby declare the nature of my said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement, reference being had to the Drawings hereunto annexed, and to the letters and figures marked thereon (that is to say):—

My Invention of Improvements in Breech-loading and other Revolving Fire-arms” consists in the several combination of parts herein-after described.

The first part of my Invention consists in the adaptation and application to such fire-arms of a plunger for forcing out the empty cartridge case, such plunger being worked by a lever having its fulcrum on the upper part of the frame, the plunger being thereby retained in its position when not required for use.

The second part of my Invention consists in forming the shield at the back of the revolving chamber, with a hole for the insertion of the cartridge in the chamber, which hole is closed, after loading, by means of a stud fixed on a plate working on a pin screwed into the frame, the plate being retained in its 15 position by means of a click or otherwise.

The third part of my Invention consists in forming the butt cap with two segmental projections, or with two or more studs, for the purpose of fixing the stocks to the handles of revolving pistols, such projections or studs being driven into the ends of the stocks.

And the last part of my Invention consists in adapting and applying to the front part of the cock or hammer a spring click working in combination with the lever for retaining the revolving chamber as required, which lever is formed with a projection in front of the cock capable of being acted on by the said click.

Having thus stated the nature of the said Invention, I will proceed to describe more particularly in what manner the same is to be performed by the aid of the accompanying Drawings, in which are represented the parts of fire arms above referred to.

Description oF the Drawings

In Fig. 1, A is the plunger for unloading or for forcing out empty cartridge cases; this plunger is connected by a swivel B to the lever C, having its fulcrum in the upper part of the frame at D. The lever C is fixed in the position represented in the figure by its outer end, having a cavity formed on its inner side, such cavity fitting on to a stud fixed in the barrel of the fire-arm, the lever having sufficient elasticity to admit of its being sprung on to the fixed stud; and the lever is moved into the position shewn by dotted lines, when it is required to unload or to force out an empty cartridge case from one of the loading chambers,by which means the plunger A will be driven forward as required. The swivel B may be dispensed with if preferred, by forming a slot in the end of the plunger for an arm of the lever C to work in. In the same Figure, E is the cover for the shield F at the back of the revolving chamber, such cover consisting of a plate working on a pin or pivot G screwed into the frame. The shield F has a hole affording access to the loading chamber, which hole is closed, after loading, by the entrance into it of a corresponding projection on the inner face of the plate or cover E. This plate or cover is retained in the closed position (as represented) by means of a click at the lower end, or otherwise.

Figures 2, 3, and 4, represent my improved form of butt cap. Fig. 2 showing the same formed with two segmental projections H, H; Fig. 8 shewing the same formed with two studs, and Fig. 4 being a transverse section of the cap. The stocks are inserted and held at one end by the frame of the pistol, and they are held at the butt end by the projections or studs on the cap, which are driven into the wood or caused to enter suitable cavities previously formed therein.

In Fig. 5 is represented the last part of my Invention, consisting of a spring click in the front part of the cock or hammer, acting in combination with the lever I for stopping the revolving chamber. When the cock or hammer is first raised (into the position shewn by dotted lines) n shoulder on the spring click K is caused to act on the hooked end of the lever I, and by lifting that end of the lever to remove the stud on the opposite end thereof out of the notch of the revolving chamber and release the same. As, however, the cock or hammer is further raised, the shoulder of the spring click is removed from the hooked end of the lever I, which lever is thus free to be acted upon by its spring, so as to carry the stud on its end into the next notch on the revolving chamber, which is thereby held as required.

Having thus described the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, I hereby declare that what I claim as of my Invention is,—

First, the plunger worked by a lever as described for unloading or for forcing out empty cartridge cases.

Secondly, the shield with a hole in it for the purpose of affording access to each loading chamber combined with a cover working on a pivot fixed in the frame, such cover having a projection on its inner face adapted to close the bole of the shield, as herein-before described.

Thirdly, the mode described of forming butt caps, either with segmental projections or studs for the purpose of entering the wood at the end of the stocks, and thereby fastening them securely.

And, lastly, the spring click in the front part of the cock or hammer com. bined with the lever for retaining the revolving chamber, such spring click being caused, by the rising of the cock or hammer, to act on the said lever, so as to withdraw the stud on the lever from the notch of the chamber and allow it to enter another notch in the manner described.

In witness whereof, I, the said William Tranter, have hereunto set my hand and seal, the Twenty-seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.



William Spence,

50, Chancery Lane,

Patent Agent.