Patent: Jacquelin

Britain 1936

A.D. 1880, 11th May. № 1936.

Walking Sticks.

LETTERS PATENT to Claude Jacquelin, of Paris, 36, Rue des Ecoles, in the Republic of France, for an+ Invention of “Improvements in Walking Sticks.”

PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Claude Jacquelin at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 11th May 1880.

Claude Jacquelin, of Paris, 36, Rue des Ecoles, in the Republic of France. “Improvements in Walking Sticks.”

This Invention relates to a new or improved combined: walking stick, umbrella, revolver, and sword, which has for its object to furnish, ready means both for defence against attack and for shelter from the weather.

My improved walking stick is of the ordinary shape, and although enclosing an umbrella, a revolver, and a sword it is slight in bulk, and does not exceed the weight of ordinary walking sticks.

It is constructed as follows:— The handle of the walking stick serves aa the butt of a revolver, which is placed therein, which butt or handle is detached by the quarter turn of a screw, and allows of the revolver being used like any other similar weapon.

The stem of the walking stick is hollow, and contains therein an umbrella so fitted that it can be readily opened in order to afford shelter against the weather.

Such stem also serves as a sheath for a sword, which is placed under the umbrella and concealed by a socket, which may be screwed or. unscrewed at will.

The combined utility and convenience of my improved walking stick is obvious and incontestible.

SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent filed by the said Claude Jacquelin in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 1ith November 1880.

Claude Jacquelin, of Paris, 36, Rue des Ecoles, in the Republic of France. “Improvements in Walking Sticks.”

The walking sticks which have been hitherto made with the view of uniting in a single article a walking stick, an umbrella, a gun, and a revolver have presented so many difficulties that it was found necessary to abandon the use of them; some were of incorrect and defective make, others cost too much to allow of their being made for sale, finally all were difficult and dangerous to handle.

The problem being proposed, the solutions which have been given to it have remained up to the present time purely theoretical; practice and use have shewn that their manufacture was almost impossible.

My Invention remedies all the difficulties above alluded to, corrects the errors of my predecessors, and allows of walking sticks free from all imperfections being sold to the public.

My improved gun walking stick and revolver umbrella illustrated in the accompanying Drawings is composed of five principal parts, videlicet,—

1º, A. The revolver.

2º, B. The metal socket, which has the shape a little more or less of a truncated cone, and serves to unite the revolver and: the cylindrical tube of the walking stick.

3º, C. Cylindrical tube made of copper, brass, steel, iron, sheet iron, wood, or any suitable material, which serves, firstly, as a handle to the umbrella; secondly, as a point of resistance for the walking stick; and finally, as a barrel for the gun.

4º, D. Umbrella made of silk, wool, or any other appropriate material.

5º, E. Sheath or covering of the umbrella, made preferentially of light material of a special tissue, and having a double object, viz to form the covering of the umbrella and to impart to my improved walking stick a_perfectly smooth and uniform appearance, which allows of its being mistaken for an ordinary walking stick. These five principal parts are themselves subdivided into several distinct pieces, of which I will now explain the working arrangement and use.

The revolver A is composed of the four following pieces:—

a, the butt, which at the same time serves as a handle for the walking stick and consequently for the umbrella. It has a groove or notch t, see Figure 3, which allows of the insertion of the cartridge into the barrel.

b, the barrel, which can be either longer or shorter, according to the use for which it is intended. It is needless to say that ball cartridges do not require so much space as those which contain shot.

c, barrel of revolver, which traverses longitudinally the socket B and terminates at the shoulder f.

e, tumbler, so made that it can describe on its pivot an are of a circle of about
90°, so that being, when at rest, nearly parallel with the axis of the barrel it becomes vertical to it when used.

The socket B, which constitutes one of the important points of my Invention, is made in the following manner:— Its exterior as before mentioned is shaped like a truncated cone; the interior is rendered conical by means of an additional piece. in order to facilitate the sliding motion of the barrel of the revolver and allow of its readily assuming the proper position without difficulty.

This socket is provided with a shield plate g, which serves to conceal the groove t, Figure 3, made in the handle to allow of the insertion of the cartridges into the barrel. Such shield plate fits into the butt or handle, and imparts greater firmness thereto. It is moreover grooved at the point n¹, so as to allow of the tumbler or trigger-being lodged therein. In the interior this socket has a spring i, which presses in the tumbler notch of the barrel, and thereby prevents the latter from slipping out. A button k governs the spring. As soon as this button is pressed the spring relaxes and allows the revolver to be easily withdrawn. Such socket is rivetted to the cylindrical tube c, but if preferred it may be made in a single piece with the latter.

The essential point is that the axis of the barrel of the revolver should correspond exactly with the axis of the cylindrical tube, and that the ball should find nothing projecting on issuing from the revolver. In this manner the barrel so prolonged offers the same advantages as a gun.

c, the cylindrical tube, has two hoops or rings l, which serve as stays, and are intended to limit the backward and forward movements of the umbrella. It also has a nut m fixed by means of a slight groove made in the thickness of the tube, and in which the ribs of the umbrella move. The extremity of this tube carries a small rod n¹ made of sheet iron, steel, or any other suitable metal or material, and retained in this orifice by a spring of appropriate shape. This rod prevents any obstruction of the tube or barrel c, and moreover serves to extract the cartridges.

When the weapon has to be used care must be taken to remove this rod, which is very easily done. In order to be enabled to fire when the umbrella is open a suitable sighthole is made in the covering sufficient for aiming at the object to be fired at.

The frame of the umbrella consists of grooved ribs of wire drawn steel or iron covered with an excessively fine material; such frame is composed of seven ribs, On the slider p is fixed a spring of special form (see Figure 1), so that by pressing the back of this spring its two extremities are raised, allowing the umbrella to be easily moved and opened or shut without the spring becoming visible. The sheath E is provided at its base with a ring r, and is closed with the aid of caoutchoue s, sewn as shewn in Figure 2.

It is easy to understand by the preceding description the facility with which my improved combined walking stick can be used.

All the parts have perfectly distinct functions, and without injuring the rest one of them can be removed. A person can therefore at will have either a revolver walking stick, an umbrella revolver walking stick, a gun revolver walking stick, or a carbine revolver walking stick by means of a simple change in the dimensions, proportions, thickness, and strength of the different composite parts thereof, as well as in the materials used.

Having thus described the nature of my said Invention, I claim as novel and as of my Invention, the improved construction and manufacture of umbrella revolver walking sticks, revolver walking sticks, gun revolver walking sticks, and carbine revolver walking sticks, substantially as hereinbefore described and illustrated.

In witness whereof, I, the said Claude Jacquelin, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Eleventh day of November, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eighty.