Patent: D. B. Wesson And H. Smith

US 51092
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 51,092, dated November 21, 1865.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that we, D. B. Wesson and H. Smith, of Springfield, in the county of Hampden and State of Massachusetts, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Revolving Fire-Arms; and we do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description thereof, which will enable others skilled in the art to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part of this specification, in which—

Figure 1 represents a sectional side elevation of this invention. Fig. 2 is a front view of the revolving cylinder detached. Fig. 3 is an end view of the same.

Similar letters of reference indicate like parts.

This invention consists in the employment of two adjustable central screws, in combination with the chambered cylinder of a revolving fire-arm, in such a manner that by removing the bearing from the end of said cylinder to the end of the adjusting-screw the chambers can be placed nearer the center of said cylinder, and the size and weight thereof can be reduced, and, furthermore, the friction while revolving is materially lessened, and by having both the front and back screw adjustable the position of the cylinder in relation to the rear end of the barrel can be regulated to give the proper opening between them.

A represents the cylinder of a revolving fire-arm, which is situated in the frame B close to the rear end of the barrel C, as usual. This cylinder has its bearings in front on a screw, a, which is screwed into the same, as clearly shown in Fig. 1 of the drawings, and in the rear on a cylindrical projection, c, extending from the frame B. Between the screw a and projection c is another screw, b, the end of which bears against the cylindrical projection c. The bearing is thereby removed from the rear end of the cylinder, and we are enabled to place the chambers nearer the center, and thus to reduce the size and weight of the cylinder, and, furthermore, the friction of said cylinder while revolving is materially lessened.

From the screw a extends a bearing-point into a suitable socket in the frame, and by screwing both screws in the cylinder is brought closer to the rear end of the barrel, whereas by screwing the adjusting-screws out the cylinder is removed from the rear end of the barrel. By these means the proper opening between the rear end of the barrel and the cylinder can be obtained at all times, and the cylinder can be made to revolve free and easy and with the least possible friction.

We claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent—

1. The employment of two adjusting center screws, a, b, and projection e, in combination with the revolving cylinder of a fire-arm, substantially in the manner and for the purposes described.

2. Removing the bearing for the rear end of the cylinder from the surface of said cylinder to the center-screw, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.


F. W. Martin,
N. B. Clarke.