Patent: Jones

Britain 1992

A.D. 1869, 2nd July. № 1992.

Repeating Fire-arms.
LETTERS PATENT to Thomas Jones, of Handsworth, in the County of Stafford, Machinist, for the Invention of “A New or Improved Method of Attaching or Uniting together the Body and Barrel of Repeating Fire-arms.”

Sealed the 22nd December 1869, and dated the 2nd July 1869.

PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Thomas Jones at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, with his Petition, on the 2nd July 1869.

I, Thomas Jones, of Handsworth, in the County of Stafford, Machinist, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for A New or Improved Method of Attaching or Uniting together the Body and Barrel of Repeating Fire-arms,” to be as follows:—

I make the body A and barrel B as shewn in the accompanying Drawing. The parts of the body or barrel marked respectively A¹, B¹, A², B², are shaped, cut, or grooved, where the joining is effected, so as to form spiral channels or threads or inclined planes. The pin or axis C upon which the chambers revolve is fixed into the body A, and the barrel B turns and slides upon the said pin or axis C. In order to effect the union of the body and barrel the barrel is moved towards the body until the said parts marked respectively A¹, B¹, A², B², come within the range of each other, the barrel is then turned, when both body and barrel screw or slide into each other and become jointed together, as shewn in the Drawing. A small stud or stop D is fixed at the end of one of the channels, grooves, or inclined planes, to prevent passing beyond the position required, and a small catch or snap E is provided to prevent repassing until desired. In order to disunite the body and barrel, the said snap or catch is pressed out of its hold and the barrel turned back, when the parts marked respectively A¹, B¹, A², B², screw or slide out of each other, the said barrel may then be moved away from the said body, by which means the cartridges or cartridge cases may be extracted or removed.

SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent, filed by the said Thomas Jones in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 30th December 1869.

TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I, Thomas Jones, of Handsworth, in the County of Stafford, Machinist, send greeting.

WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her Letters Patent, bearing date the Second day of July, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, in the thirty-third year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant unto me, the said Thomas Jones, Her special licence that I, the said Thomas Jones, my executors, administrators, and assigns, or such others as I, the said Thomas Jones, my executors, administrators, and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, an Invention for “A New or Improved Method of Attaching or Uniting together the Body and Barrel of Repeating Fire-arms,” upon the condition (amongst others) that I, the said Thomas Jones, my executors or administrators, by an instrument in writing under my, or their, or one of their hands and seals, should particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention, and in what manner the same was to be performed, and cause the same to be filed in the Great Seal Patent Office within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said Letters Patent.

NOW KNOW YE, that I, the said Thomas Jones, do hereby declare the nature of my said Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement:

My Invention consists in the method herein-after described of attaching or uniting the body and barrel of repeating fire-arms, and that my Invention may be clearly understood, reference is made to the accompanying Drawings wherein the same letters refer to like parts throughout.

I make the body A and barrel B as shewn at Fig. 1 on the Drawings. The parts marked respectively A1, B1, A2, B2, are shaped, cut, or grooved where the joining is effected so as to form spiral channels or threads or inclined planes. The pin or axis C, shewn on Fig. 2, upon which the chambers revolve is fixed into the body A, and the barrel B turns and slides upon the said pin or axis C. In order to effect the union of the body and barrel the barrel B is moved towards the body A, until the parts marked respectively A1, B1, A2, B2, come within range of each other, the barrel is then turned, when both body and barrel screw or slide into each other and become joined together, as shewn in the Drawing, Fig. 1. A small stud or stop D, Fig. 2, is fixed at the end of one of the channels, grooves, or inclined planes, so as to prevent the barrel B passing beyond the required position, and a small catch or snap E is provided to prevent the barrel B repassing until desired. In order to disunite the body and barrel the said snap or catch E is pressed out of its hold, and the barrel turned back, when the parts marked respectively A1, B1, A2, B2, screw or slide out of each other, the said barrel B may then be moved away from the said body A, by which means the cartridges or cartridge cases may be extracted or removed, as seen in Fig. 2.

Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6, shew plans of the several parts and are lettered to correspond with their respective positions on Figs. 1 and 2.

Having now described the nature of my Invention, and the manner the same is to be performed I wish it to be understood that I do not limit myself to the precise details herein described and illustrated, as the same may be varied without departing from the nature of my Invention; but that which I claim and desire to be secured to me by Letters Patent is, my Invention of the new or improved method of attaching or uniting together the body and barrel of repeating fire-arms as herein described, and as represented in the accompanying Drawings, or any mere modification thereof.

In witness whereof, I, the said Thomas Jones, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine.


Edwin Watson,

