Patent: J R Cooper

Britain 8347

AD. 1840 №8347.

Fire-arms and Balls to be used therewith.



Joseph Rock Cooper, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Maker, send greeting.

WHEREAS Her present most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by Her letters Patent under-the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing date at Westminster, the Twenty-first day of January, in the third year of Her reign, did, for Herself, Her heirs and successors, give and grant into me, the said Joseph Rock Cooper, Her especial licence, full power, sole privilege and authority, that I, the said Joseph Rock Cooper, my exors, admors, and assigns, or such others as I, the said Joseph Rock Cooper, my exors, admors, or assigns, should at any time agree with, and no others, from time to time and at all times during the term of years therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within England, Wales, and the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, my Invention of “Fire-arms and Balls to be used therewith;” in which said Letters Patent is contained a proviso that I, the said Joseph Rock Cooper, shall cause a particular description of the nature of the Invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be inrolled in Her said Majesty’s High Court of Chancery within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said in part recited Letters Patent, as in and by the same, reference being thereunto had, will more fully and at large appear.

NOW ENOW YE, that in compliance with the said proviso, I, the said Joseph Rock Cooper, do hereby declare the nature of my Invention, and the manner in which the same is to be performed, are fully described and ascertained in and by the following statement thereof, reference being had to the Drawings hereunto annexed; and to the figures and letters marked thereon (that is to say):

Description of the Drawings.

Figure 1, represents a side view of a gun or fowling-piece having the first part of my Invention applied thereto; Figure 2, is a plan of Figure 1; Figure 3, shews a side view of the lock separately; Figure 4, is a plan or inside view of the lock; and the other Figures of this Sheet of the Drawings shew various views of the separate parts of the lock. In each of these Figures the same letters indicate similar parts and as the first part, of my Invention relates only to the mode of constructing the lock, it will not be necessary to enter into a description of the other parts of the gun or fowling piece. a, represents the trigger plate, on the upper surface of which are formed two projecting plates b, or what are called bridles as it is in openings formed in these plates b, in which the axis of the tumbler turns; c, is the tumbler, and it will be seen that its axis c¹, is borne up into the hook-formed openings of the plates; b, by means of the main spring d, which main spring is affixed to the trigger plate, and is attached by the ordinary construction of swivel to the tumble, as will be seen on examining the Drawing; e, is the trigger; and f, the trigger and sear-spring. It will thus be seen that by the peculiar arrangement of the bridles or plates b, and the mode of applying the axis of the tumbler with its main spring, a very simple construction of lock is obtained, little liable to get out of order, is easily cleaned, readily taken to pieces and again put together. It will also be seen that the hammer is attached to the axis of the tumbler, and that there is a gap cut in the under part and at one side of the stock of the fun or following piece, to allow of the axis of the tumbler going to its proper position, as shewn in the Drawing.

I will now proceed to describe the second part of my Invention. Figure 5, shews a side view of a double barrel gun; Figure 6, is a plan of Figure 5l Figure 7, shews a section of the lock part of one of the barrels; Figure 8, shows a plan of the interior of the lock, which is uncovered; the other Figures shew detached views of the various parts of the lock and metal frame or body of the gun which contains the parts of the lock, and to which the stock of the gun is affixed, and also forms the brake-off for the barrel. Thus gun is so arranged as to be discharged by a direct central fire, and in this case the hammer and tumbler are formed together as one instrument, and the parts un other respects are formed very similarly to the first part of my Invention, and are marked with the same letters of reference; but in this case there is only a single bridle, and in place of its being formed on the upper surface of the trigger plate, as was the former case, the bridle b in this lock is affixed to the interior of the frame or body of the gun, as is clearly shewn in the Drawing. And this frame or body of the gun consists of the trigger plate al the wo side plates: a¹, and the plate a² or brake-off plate, into which the barrels; or rather the breeches; are affixed; and all these parts a, a¹, a², are cast or otherwise formed in one piece, thus giving great strength.

In the upper edges and on the inside of the two side plates a¹, are formed grooves to receive the sliding cover g, by which all parts are enclosed; but the same is capable of sliding in order to place detonating caps ready for discharging the barrels g¹, is a spring which bears on the under side of the sliding cover to retain it secure when shut. h is is a partition plate through which the hammers work, the opening through such plate being only so large as to allow the hammers to move through the same, and as much as possible prevent the smoke passing in the works of the lock.

The body of the lock is affixed to the stock by means of screws passing through the trigger plate a, and through the upper or top plate a³, which is affixed to the side plates a¹, by a pin passing through those plates and through the top plate a³, as will readily be understood on examining the Drawing.

I will now proceed to describe the third part of my Invention, Figure 9, shews the side view of a gun or fowling piece constructed according to the third part of my Invention; Figure 10, is a plan of Figure 9; Figure 11, is a section of the lock and part of the barrel; Figure 12, shews the trigger plate separately in plan and side view; Figure 18, is a plan or inside view of the trigger plate and the works of the lock; Figure 14, shows a front view and side section of an apparatus or instrument for applying detonating caps to the nipples of firearms constructed according to this part of my Invention. In each of these Figures the lock is shewn similar to the first part of my Invention, and the parts are marked with the same letters of reference, the difference being that in this case the hammer is a sliding bolt, which is affixed to the tumbler by a pin joint, and the bolt is guided in its action by sliding through an opening formed in the partition plate. A, and the brake-off or plate into which the end of the barrel enters forms part of the top plate B, and the same is affixed to the trigger-plate by means of two screws, which also aid in the affixing of the various parts to the-stock of the gun. A¹, is a chamber which forms part with the trigger-plate and is a recess into which the detonating cap explodes, and there is an opening at the side of the gun into this chamber at C, through which the instrument for applying the cap on to the nipple is inserted.. This instrument consists of a long.quadrangular case C¹, there being a slit or opening at C² in front, through which a stud passes; this stud is affixed to a ram or piston, which slides freely in the case C¹, there being a spring at the back which forces up the ram or piston and consequently the caps towards the outer end, there being a portion of the front plate of the case C¹, cut away in order to the cap coming through, and the back plate of the case protrudes beyond the other sides, as is shewn in the Drawing. C³, is a spring which partly covers the end of the case, and prevents the caps being forced out too far; hence when the end of the case C¹, is placed through’ the opening at C, a cap may readily be placed on the nipple, and the case withdrawn, the spring C³ giving way as the ease is withdrawn. The chamber A¹, is rectangular, and has an opening for inserting the case C¹, another opening through for the sliding hammer, which ought to fit well, yet slide easily, and there is a third opening through which the nipple passes, and the chamber A¹ is formed on to the trigger plats a, by casting therewith or otherwise.

I will now describe the fourth part of my Invention, which relates to a mode of self-priming applied to guns or other such fire-arms, by which detonating caps are caused. to he fed into the opening or guide hole or passage way through which. the hammer passes, and such feeding in of a cap can only take place when the gun is cocked, on the act of cocking; at other times the hammer covering the opening through which the caps are passed prevents any cap coming into the passage or way through which the sliding hammer passes. Figure 15, shews a side view of a gun or fowling piece having this improvement applied thereto; Figure 16, is a side view in section; by which the internal arrangement of parts can be more readily traced; Figure 17, is a plan or inside view of the trigger plate and the parts of the lock; the other Figures showing detached views of the various parts. And it will be seen that the lock in this case is so arranged as to be cocked and discharged by the simple act of pulling the trigger in like manner to what has heretofore been practiced in some constructions of pistols; but it will he evident that in carrying out this part of my Invention, the working parts of the lock may be varied,thus, for instance, with the exception to the apparatus applied for self-priming, the lock may be similar to that one last described. It will not therefore be necessary to enter into o particular description of such parts, but confine the explanation of the present Figures to the apparatus for self-priming. E, is the tube affixed to the under side of the gun, and it enters into the lock and rises up to the opening in the plate A, through which the sliding hammer moves or slides, and in such manner that so long as the hammer is not drawn back to be cocked no detonating cap can rise into a position to be used as a means of discharging the gun. F, is the ram, which is driven up by means of a spring behind; the ram

F, is made of several parts, and linked together, so that they will readily bend to the curve of the tube, and when forced up by the spring will drive the detonating caps toward the opening or passage through which the hammer works, and the caps being somewhat larger than the nipple will not hold thereon. G, is a stud which is affixed to one of the links of the chain or ram, and passing through a slit in the tube E, by which means the chain or ram can be drawn back; in.order to introduce caps into the tube E, and the caps are introduced through an opening H, when the chain or ram is drawn back, The Drawing shews the; parts in the position of the gun being cocked; consequently there is a cap opposed to the passage of the hammer, such cap having its concave side opposite to the nipple, and in discharging the hammer by pulling the trigger the cap will be carried forward by the hammer and be forced upon the nipple, and by the contact discharged: And it. should; be stated; that should the gun or other fire-arm have a lock similar to that at Fig. 11, applied thereto, in place of the one shown, and at any. time be cocked and not discharged, the cap maybe removed: by uncocking the lock, by which the cap will be forced out of the passage way of the chamber and, fall into the! chamber A¹, and: from thence may be shaken out at the opening C, and a fresh cap cannot again; come; up into; the passage way of the hammer until the hammer is drawn back in order to cock the lock, when another cap will be immediately placed across the passage way in a position to be driven on to the nipple when the trigger is pulled.

Another part of my Invention relates to a, mode of constructing pistols which have a series of barrels revolving on an axis, and which barrels are fired in succession by a single lock and the improvement consists in so arranging the parts that the nipples may be affixed at the ends of barrels, and thus obtain what is called a direct and central or nearly a central fire. Figure 18, represents a side view of a pistol with six barrels revolving on an axis; Figure 19, is,a plan thereof Figure. 20, is a. section of the same, by. which the construction of the parts will more readily be understood; the other Figures show the various parts separately. It will be seen that the pistol is self-acting, that is, the pulling of the trigger throws back the hammer, and also turns the barrels round n their axis of motion in order to bring them successively into a position to be discharged; but in should be state that the arrangement of parts; so far as the construction of the lock is concerned; forms no part of my Invention, it being, well known and in use, and my Invention only, relates to the so arranging of the parts of the lock, and the means of receiving the detonating priming at the back, in order to obtain a central fire to each of, the barrels.

I will now describe the six part of my Invention, which relates to a mode of applying detonating tubes in discharging pistols where a series of barrels are combined together and revolve around a common axis of motion. Figure 21, shows a side view of a pistol constructed according to this part of my Invention; Figure 22, shows a plan thereof; Figure 23, shows a section thereof. In this case, as in the former, the barrels are caused to move and come into proper position by the act of moving the trigger, and the-tubes are so arranged as to be at, the back,. but they do not get a direct central fire, but: very nearly a central fire; the touch-holes slanting downwards, and the tubes I entering
openings formed at the end of the barrels; such openings entering into the touch-holes. In this arrangement, as is also the cases in the preceding, and as is usual in pistols of this description; the barrels are taken off the axis J, which is used as a ram rod and when the barrels are loaded the detonating priming is applied, either caps or such like means in the former case, and tubes in the present case, before placing the barrels on the axis, and retained thereon by the screw as shown.

I will now describe the seventh part of my Invention. Figure 24 shews a section of a pistol according to this part of my Invention; Figure 25, a plan thereof; and the novel feature thereof consists in the hammer K, striking through the barrel or breech, and discharging a detonating tube, and thus obtain a central fire by a tube actually within the barrel or breech thereof, the line of discharge of such detonating tube being in the line of the centre or nearly so, of the barrel, by which a most beneficial arrangement is produced; and I sometimes employ a tube, such a shewn in Figure 26. containing detonating powder, which at once acts as the prime and the charge for this pistol, gun, fowling-piece, or other fire-arms to which such improvement in the construction thereof is applied, or an ordinary detonating tube may be introduced, and a charge of gunpowder employed therewith; and it will be evident that by such mode the powder will be discharged under the most favorable circumstances. Figure 27, shows a section of another pistol; and Figure 28, an under side view ofTigurc 27. In this case the hammer strikes through the barrel from below in place of from above;in other respects this pistol is the same as in respect to the application of this part of my Invention, for the detonating tube lies within the barrel or breech thereof, and is discharged by the hammer striking through.

I will now describe the eighth part of my Invention, which relates: to the construction of balls for pistols, guns, or other fire-arms, and consists of forming a recess in each ball, and filling the same in with detonating powder, which is to act as the charge for discharging such balls from the pistol and other: fire-arms. Figure 29, shows a section and front view of a ball constructed according to this part of my Invention; and this recess may be formed in casting the ball by making suitable moulds; or the ball may be moulded complete, and have a recess formed therein by a drill or other convenient means. In using these balls the barrel is to be unscrewed, and the ball placed therein in such manner that the detonating powder will stand opposite the touch-hole,. or cylindrical balls may be employed, such as are shewn at Fig. 29*, and the same is to be discharged by any of the usual means for priming pistols.

Another part of my Invention relates to a mode of applying nipples to guns & other fire-arms, and consists of passing the nipple from the interior to the exterior of the breech in place of screwing the nipple from the external surface towards the interior of the breech; by this arrangement the great liability of blowing out the nipple now experienced will be avoided. Fig.16, Fig 16*, show this part of the Invention.

Having thus described the nature of my Invention, I would remark that although I have necessarily shown many parts which are old and well known, I do no-claim the same; and further; in carrying out my several improvements variations may be made in some of the parts without departing from my Invention, so long as the modes of action claimed as myInvention he substantively retained. And I would have it understood that what I claim is,—

First, the mode of carrying the axis of the tumbler by the bridles b, formed on the trigger plate a, and retained therein by the mainspring, as described.

Secondly, I claim the mode of forming the parts a; a¹, a², in one piece, as above described, and I do also claim the mode of supporting the axes of the tumblers by the main springs supporting them into the hooked formed opening of the bridle or plate b, and into similar openings formed in the side plates a¹, as described in respect to Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Thirdly, I claim the mode of constructing firearms with an opening C, to have detonating caps applied to the nipple combined with the chamber A¹, in the manner above described.

Fourthly, I claim the mode of applying a self-priming apparatus to guns, fowling pieces, or other such like fire-arms, whereby detonating caps are caused to be fed into a passage way through which the hammer moves, and whereby the caps are forced on to the nipple and discharged.

Fifthly, I claim the mode of constructing pistols having a series of barrels moving on an axis in such manner as to obtain a central or nearly central fire, as above described.

Sixthly, I claim the mode of constructing pistols having a series of barrels revolving on an axis in such manner as to discharge the same with detonating tubes, as above described.

Seventhly, I claim the mode of constructing pistols, guns, and other fire-arms in such manner that detonating tubes within the barrel or breech may be discharged by the hammer striking through, as above described.

Eighthly, I claim the mode of applying charges of detonating powder to balls, as above described.

And lastly, I claim the mode of applying nipples to fire-arms by screwing them from the interior outwards, as described.

In witness whereof, I the said Joseph Rock Cooper, have here unto set my hand and seal, this 21st day of July, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight-hundred and forty.


AND BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the Twenty-first day of July, in the year of our Lord 1840, the aforesaid Joseph Rock Cooper came before our said Lady the Queen; in Her Chancery, and acknowledged the Specification aforesaid; and all and every thing therein contained and specified, in form-above written. And also the Specification aforesaid was stamped according to the tenor of the Statute made for that purpose.

Enrolled the Twenty-first day of July, in the year,of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty.