Patent: Le Mat
France 117026
Patent: Daniel B. Wesson & James H. Bullard
US 187689 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON AND JAMES H. BULLARD, OF SPRING FIELD, MASS., ASSIGNORS TO SAID WESSON, IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 18,689, dated February 20, 1877; application filed January 29, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More
Patent: Emile & Leon Nagant
Belgian 41590
Patent: I. I. Abadie
Belgium 41489 Brevet de perfectionnement Le ministre de l’intérieur, Vu la loi du 24 mai 1854; Vu le procès-verbal dressé le onze Février 1877 à une heure quarante cinq minutes au Greffe du Gouvernement provincial de Liège et constatant le dépôt régulier fait par le Sieur I.I. Abadie à Liège,..Read More
Patent: Daniel Moore
US 187980 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 187,980, dated March 6, 1877; application filed February 17, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Daniel Moore, of Brooklyn, in the..Read More
Patent: William Hulbert
US 187975 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. A. HULBERT, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 187,975, dated March 6, 1877; application filed December 4, 1876. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William A. Hulbert, of Brooklyn,..Read More
Patent: John Brooks And Thos. W. Bearcock
US 190543 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN BROOKS AND THOMAS W. BEARCOCK, OF WYOMING; SAID BEARCOCK ASSIGNOR TO FRED. BALCOM, OF PITTSTON, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 190,543, dated May 8, 1877; application filed March 26, 1877. To all whom it may concern:..Read More
Patent: Owen Jones
US 189360 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OWEN JONES, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 189,360, dated April 10, 1877; application filed, August 22, 1876. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, OWEN JONES, of Philadelphia, in the county..Read More
Patent: D. Moore
US 157860-RE7610 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR TO MERWIN, HULBERT & CO, OF NEW YORK CITY. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 157,860, dated December 15, 1874; reissue No. 7,610, dated April 17, 1877; application filed March 30, 1877...Read More
Patent: Emile & Leon Nagant
Belgian 42907
Patent: Daniel Moore
US 190240 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, ASSIGNOR TO MERWIN, HULBERT & Co., OF NEW YORK, N.Y. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 90,240, dated May 1, 1877; application filed February 19, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL MOORE,..Read More
Patent: Jas. A. Crocker
US 194653 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES A. CROCKER, OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 194,658, dated August 28, 1877; application filed May 29, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, James A. Crocker, of Providence,..Read More
Patent: A. Francotte
Belgium 42215
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 193836 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRING-FIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 193,836, dated August 7, 1877; application filed June 12, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that..Read More
Patent: Adalbert Karl Heymann
Germany 496 Dr. ADALBERT KARL HEYMANN in BERLIN. Revolverpistole. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 2. Juli 1877 ab. Die neue und eigenthümliche Erfindung betrifft eine Revolver-Pistole mit einem Ladestock oder Auszieher und mit einem rückschlagenden oder rückwärtswirkenden Hammer. Die einzelnen Theile sind so einfach construirt und die Mechanik des Revolvers..Read More
Patent: Henard
France 119414 BREVET nº 119414, en date du 13 juillet 1877, A M. HENARD, pour des perfectionnements aux armes revolvers. Pl. III. L’invention consiste dans un certain nombre de perfectionnements apportés aux armes dites revolvers, dont le barillet est animé d’un double mouvement. Dans ces armes, le barillet, après avoir..Read More
Patent Daniel Moore
US 193269 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, ASSIGNOR TO MERWIN, HULBERT & CO., OF NEW YORK, N.Y. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 93,269, dated July 17, 1877; application filed June 19, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, Daniel Moore, of..Read More
Patent: Forehand & Wadsworth
US 193867 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SULLIVAN FOREHAND AND HENRY C. WADSWORTH, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No.193,867, dated July 24, 1877; application filed August 23, 1875. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, SULLIVAN FOREHAND and HENRY..Read More
Patent: P.D. Luneschloss
Germany 384 Warnant patent in Germany P. D. LUNESCHLOSS in SOLINGEN. Revolver-Schlofs. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 27. Juli 1877 ab. Dieser Revolver ist mit keinem anderen, welche bis jetzt erfunden worden sind, zu vergleichen, durch die grofse Einfachheit der Construction des Schlosses, was bei einer Schufswaffe der gröfste Vortheil..Read More
Patent: Deniel B. Wesson & Jas. H. Bullard
US 198228 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON AND JAMES H. BULLARD, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: SAID BULLARD ASSIGNOR TO SAID WESSON. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 198,228, dated December 18, 1877; application filed August 3, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: Thomas M. Wallis
US 194489 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS M. WALLIS, OF PHILADELPHIA, PEN NSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF HIS RIGHT TO WILLIAM WURFFLEIN, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 194,489, dated August 21, 1877; application filed To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More
Patent: Frank Wirth
Britain 3375 A.D. 1877, 5th September. № 3375 Revolver Purse. LETTERS PATENT to Frank Wirth, of the Firm of Wirth and Company, Patent Solicitors, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, in the Empire of Germany, for the Invention of “A Revolver Purse.” A communication from Oscar Frankenau, of Nürnberg, in the Empire of Germany...Read More
Patent: Thomas Bearcock
US 195562 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS W. BEARCOCK, OF PITTSTON, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 195,562, dated September 25, 1877; application filed August 4, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS W. BEARCOCK, of Pittston, in..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 196491 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS, ASSIGNOR TO DANIEL B. WESSON. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 196,491, dated October 23, 1877; application filed September 27, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Dexter Smith,..Read More
Patent: D. Levaux
Belgium 43296 Brevet d’invention Le ministre de l’intérieur, Vu la loi du 24 mai 1854; Vu le procès-verbal dressé le onze Octobre 1877 à onze heures vingt cinq minutes au Greffe du Gouvernement provincial de Liège et constatant le dépôt régulier fait par le Sieur D. Levaux-Mas, représenté par le..Read More
Patent: Oscar Frankenau
German 225 Diese Erfindung besteht in der Verbindung einer Geldtasche (Portemonnaie) mit einem Revolver in der Weise, dafs letzterer in dem Portemonnaie verborgen ist und in dem gewünschten Augenblicke sofort abgefeuert werden kann. Ferner besteht diese Erfindung in einer Vorrichtung mit Hülfe deren eine Oeffnung in der Seite des Portemonnaies..Read More
Patent: Oscar Frankenau
US 196794 United States Patent Office OSCAR FRANKENAU, OF NÜRNBERG, GERMANY IMPROVEMENT IN COMBINED POCKET-BOOK AND REVOLVER. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 196,794, dated November 6, 1877; application filed September 14, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, OSCAR FRANKENAU, of Nürnberg, Germany,..Read More
Patent: Richard Douglas
US 197708 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. RICHARD D. WILLIAMS, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 197,70s, dated November 27, 1877; application filed December 23, 1876. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Richard Douglas Williams, of the city..Read More
Patent: Davis
Britain 4644 A.D. 1877, 7th December. № 4644. Combined Sword and Revolver. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Walter Davis at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 7th December 1877. Walter Davis, of Parkrange, Westbury Park, Durdham Down, Bristol. “Improvements in Military Weapons,..Read More
Patent: Lake (Wesson)
Britain 4831 A.D. 1877, 19th December. № 4831. Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Robert Lake, of the Firm of Haseltine, Lake, & Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London, for the Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms.” A communication from abroad by Daniel Baird Wesson, of Springfield, Massachusetts, United States of America,..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 43736
Patent: Jones & Marston
US 198745 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OWEN JONES AND FRANK W. MARSTON, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN EXTRACTORS FOR REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 198,745, dated January 1, 1878; application filed June 6, 1877. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, OWEN..Read More
Patent: Joseph Merwin, Milan Hulbert & William Augustus Hulbert
Britain 277 A.D. 1878, 22nd January. № 277 Revolving Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Joseph Merwin, Milan Hulbert, and William Augustus Hulbert, Merchants, of the City of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings, and State of New York, United States of America, for the Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Fire-arms.” Sealed..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 10422 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. DESIGN FOR PISTOL-HANDLE. Specification forming part of Design No. 10,422, dated January 29, 1878; application filed January 11, 1878. [Term of patent 14 years.] To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 10423 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. DESIGN FOR PISTOL-HANDLE. Specification forming part of Design No. 10,423, dated January 29, 1878; application filed January 11, 1878. [Term of patent 14 years.] To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 10421 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. DESIGN FOR PISTOL-HANDLE. Specification forming part of Design No. 10,421, dated January 29, 1878; application filed January 11, 1878. [Term of patent 14 years.] To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More
Patent: William Lake for Owen Jones
Britain 624* A.D. 1878 № 624*. Revolving Cylinder Pistols. LAKE’S DISCLAIMER AND MEMORANDUM OF ALTERATION. Filed 6th May 1880. In the matter of Letters Patent granted to William Robert Lake, of the Firm of Haseltine, Lake, & Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London, for the Invention of “Improvements in Revolving..Read More
Patent: Jones
France 122708 BREVET nº 122708, en date du 14 février 1878, A M. JONES, pour des perfectionnements aux revolvers. Pl. III. Cette invention se rapporte d’abord à des perfectionnements au pistolet pour lequel j’ai obtenu un brevet, à la date du 14 septembre 1876 (nº 113077), et ensuite dans certaines..Read More
Patent: Owen Jones
US 200794 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OWEN JONES, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 200,794, dated February 26, 1878; application filed January 28, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, OWEN JONES, of Philadelphia, county of Philadelphia,..Read More
Patent: Johnson (Mauser)
Britain 922 A.D. 1878, 7th March, № 922. Repeating Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to John Henry Johnson, of 47, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, for the Invention of “Improvements in Repeating Fire-arms.” A communication from abroad by Paul Mauser, of Oberndorf, Wurtemberg, in the Empire of Germany,..Read More
Patent: Mauser
France 123124 Brevet nº 123124, en date du 11 mars 1878, A M. MAUSER, pour un genre de revolver. Pl. IV. Cette invention porte sur un revolver ou pistolet tournant, d’un système qui diffère presque complètement de tout ce qui existe aujourd’hui. Le mouvement du cylindre ou porte-charges s’opère, dans..Read More
Patent: Rollin White
US 201855 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ROLLIN WHITE, OF LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN. CHARGING MAGAZINES FOR REVOLVERS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 201,855, dated March 26, 1878; application filed February 27, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Rollin White, of Lowell, in..Read More
Patent: Alexander Melville Clark
Britain 1272 A.D. 1878, 30th March. № 1272. Revolving Fire-arms. LETTFRS PATENT to Alexander Melville Clark, of 53, Chancery Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for the Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Fire-arms” A communication from abroad by the Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft, of Steyr, in the Empire of Austria...Read More
Patent: D. Levaux
Belgium 44653 Brevet de perfectionnement. Le ministre de l’intérieur, Vu la loi du 24 mai 1854; Vu le procès-verbal dressé le vingt trois Mars 1878 à onze heures quarante neuf minutes au Greffe du Gouvernement provincial de Liège et constatant le dépôt régulier fait par le Sieur D. Levaux-Mas, représenté..Read More
Patent: Amedee Thornton De Mouncie
US 202418 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. AMÉDÉE THORNTON DE MOUNCIE, OF LONDON, ENGLAND, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-FOURTH OF HIS RIGHT TO MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN LOCKS FOR FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 202,418, dated April 16, 1878; application filed November 27, 1877. To all whom..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 202388 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN LOCKS FOR FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 202,388, dated April 16, 1878; application filed January 24, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, of Springfield,..Read More
Patent: Rollin White
US 202613 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ROLLIN WHITE, OF LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN CHARGING-MAGAZINES AND HOLSTERS FOR REVOLVERS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 202,613, dated April 16, 1878; application filed March 4, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Rollin White, of and..Read More
Patent: Mills (White and Wheeler)
Britain 1561 A.D. 1878, 18th April. № 1561. Magazines and Chargers for Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Benjamin Joseph Bernard Mills, of the Firm of Harris and Mills, of 23, Southampton Buildings, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for tile invention of “Improvement In Magazines And Magazine Chargers, or in..Read More
Patent: Rollin, White & Wheeler
France 124359 BREVET nº 124359, en date du 18 avril 1878, A MM. ROLLIN, WHITE et WHEELER, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à feu à charge multiple ou à magasin, ou aux moyens ou appareils à charger les armes à feu. Pl. I et II. Dans l’usage des armes à..Read More
Patent: Luis Ybarra
US 202915 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LUIS YBARRA, OF MADRID, SPAIN. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 202,915, dated April 23, 1878; application filed January 28, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, LUIS YBARRA, of Madrid, Spain, have invented..Read More
Patent: William Bliss
US 202627 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OE NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. IMPROVEMENT IN FRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 202,627, dated April 23, 1878; application filed February 13, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William H. Bliss, of Norwich, in the..Read More
Patent: Emile & Leon Nagant
Belgian 44954
Patent: Gay & Guenot
France 124582 BREVET nº 124582, en date du 18 mai 1878, A MM. GAY et GUENOT, pour un système complexe d’obturateur, destiné aux armes coupées, dites revolvers, et autres armes similaires. Pl. IV. Ce système d’obturateur a pour objet l’étanchéité du joint toujours trop grand, ménagé dans les armes coupées..Read More
Patent: Benjamin Joslyn
US 204335 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. BENJAMIN F. JOSLYN, OF WORCESTER, ASSIGNOR TO DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 204,335, dated May 28, 1878; application filed April 4, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that..Read More
Patent: Johnson & Bye
US 204438 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND MARTIN BYE, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 204,438, dated June 4, 1878; application filed February 8, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, IVER JOHNSON and MARTIN..Read More
Patent: Amedee Thornton de Mouncie
Britain 2161 A.D. 1878, 30th May. № 2161. Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Amédée Thornton de Mouncie, of Hill Street, Rutland Gate, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, for the Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms.” Sealed the 28rd August 1878, and dated the 30th May 1878. (Void by reason of the..Read More
Patent: Hotchkiss
France 125523 BREVET nº 125523, en date du 9 juillet 1878, A M. HOTCHKISS, pour des perfectionnements aux canons-revolvers. (Extrait.) Pl. V, fig. 1 à 24. Cette invention consiste dans plusieurs perfectionnements apportés dans le canon-revolver Hotchkiss et autres canons mécaniques, quoique plus spécialement applicables à ces premières pièces. Fig...Read More
Patent: J. Chamelot & Henrich Delvigne
German 6374 J. CHAMELOT und HEINRICH GUSTAV DELVIGNE in LÜTTICH. Revolver. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 30. Juli 1878 ab. Längste Dauer: 10. August 1890. Dieser Revolver ist derart construirt, dafs er leicht, schnell und ohne Hülfe eines Instrumentes auseinandergenommen werden kann. Damit die Construction besser verstanden werde, wollen wir..Read More
Patent: Bresson
France 126418
Patent: Hill
Britain 3645 A.D. 1878, 16th September. № 3645. Revolving Small-arms. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by William James Hill at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 16th September 1878. William James Hill, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun and Pistol Manufacturer...Read More
Patent: Alvan Ballard
US 209444 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ALVAN S. BALLARD, OF WATERVILLE, NEW YORK. IMPROVEMENT IN FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 209,444, dated October 29, 1878; application filed April 16, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, ALVAN S. BALLARD, of Waterville, in..Read More
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 46368
Patent: William Dodge
US 210506 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM W. DODGE, OF WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. IMPROVEMENT IN LOCKS FOR FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 210,506, dated December 3, 1878; application filed October 30, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM W. DODGE,..Read More
Patent: Kaufmann
Britain 5031 A.D. 1878, 9th December. № 5031. Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Michael Kaufmann, of Fenchurch Street, in the City of London, and Kingdom of England, and Julien Warnant, of Hognée, Commune of Cheratte, in the Kingdom of Belgium, for the Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms.” Sealed the 21st February..Read More
Patent: Alonzo L. Sweet
US 210725 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ALONZO L. SWEET, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF HIS RIGHT TO THE BACON ARMS COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 20,725, dated December 10, 1878; application filed September 6, 1878. To all whom it..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 47062
Patent: Leopold Gasser
Germany 9441 Vorliegender Revolver mit Scharnier unterscheidet sich von den bisherigen durch seinen Verschlufs, durch die Constxuction des Patronenauswerfers, die eigenthümlich gestaltete Schlagfeder und durch die besondere Combination der Bestandtheile, wodurch ein gemeinschaftliches Zusammenwirken beim Spannen des Hahnes oder Abfeuern erzielt wird. In der beiliegenden Zeichnung ist: Fig. 1 ein..Read More
Patent: Kaufmann & Warnant
US 212473 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF LONDON, GREAT BRITAIN, AND JULIEN WARNANT, OF BIOGNEE, BELGIUM; SAID WARNANT ASSIGNOR TO SAID KAUFMANN. IMPROVEMENT IN LOCKS FOR FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 212,473, dated February 18, 1879; application filed January 10, 1879. To all whom it..Read More
Patent: Gasser
France 129189
Patent: Iver Johnson and Martin Bye
US 212606 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND MARTIN BYE, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 212,606, dated February 25, 1879; application filed December 6, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, IVER JOHNSON and MARTIN..Read More
Patent: Thompson
Britain 772 A.D. 1879, 26th February. № 772. Smooth-bore Revolvers. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by William Phillips Thompson at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 26th February 1879. A communication from abroad from William Castles Dodge, of Washington, in the District of..Read More
Patent: Paul Mauser
USA 213221 United States Patent Office Paul Mauser, of Oberndorf, Würtemberg, Germany IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 213221, dated March 11, 1879: application filed July 26, 1878 To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Paul Mauser, of Oberndorf, Würtemberg, in..Read More
Patent: George Cilley
US 215721 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONN., ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF HIS RIGHT TO THE HOPKINS AND ALLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN FRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 215,721, dated May 27, 1879; application filed January 31, 1879. To all whom..Read More
Patent: William Tranter
Britain 2855 A.D. 1879, 14th Jozy. № 2855. Fire-arms and Ordnance. LETTERS PATENT to William Tranter, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Maker, for the Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms and Ordnance.” Sealed the 12th September 1879, and dated the 14th July 1879. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 217562 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN MAGAZINE FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 217,562, dated July 15, 1879; application filed October 26, 1878. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Sederl
France 131855
Patent: Simonis
France 133356
Patent: Hotchkiss
France 125523 add CERTIFICAT en date du 22 octobre 1879 (Extrait.) Pl. V, fig. 25 à 29 Cette addition a rapport plus spécialement à des perfectionnements apportés au canon-revolver décrit dans le brevet. Certaines parties de ces améliorations sont applicables également à d’autres genres de canons et même aux armes..Read More
Patent: Emile Nagant
Britain 4310 A.D. 1879, 22nd October. № 4310. Fire Arms. LETTERS PATENT to Emile Nagant, of 41, Quay de l’Ourthe, in the City of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium, for the Invention of “Improvements In, Fire Arms.” Sealed the 16th April 1880 and dated the 28nd October 1879. PROVISIONAL..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 49559
Patent: Andrew Hyde
US 221171 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ANDREW HYDE, OF HATFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 221,171, dated November 1, 1879; application filed March 31, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Andrew Hyde, of Hatfield, Hampshire county, State..Read More
Patent: A. Edward Barthel
US 221145 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. A. EDWARD BARTHEL, OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN. IMPROVEMENT IN LOCKS FOR FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 221,145, dated November 4, 1879; application filed January 16, 1879; To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, A. Edward Barthel, of Detroit,..Read More
Patent: Leopold Gasser
Germany 10481 Auf beiliegender Zeichnung stellt Fig. 1 eine Ansicht des ganzen Revolvers nach Wegnahme des Gehäusedeckels und der Schaftplatte dar. Fig. 2 zeigt eine hintere Ansicht des Revolvers, Fig. 3 . den Gehäusedeckel, Fig. 4 den Lauf mit der Walze im Durchschnitt, Fig. 5 zeigt die Walze in zwei..Read More
Patent: John M. Marlin
US 222066 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 222,066, dated November 25, 1879; application filed July 15, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, John M. Marlin, of New..Read More
Patent: John M. Marlin
US 222065 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 222,065, dated November 25, 1879; application filed July 15, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, John M. Marlin, of New..Read More
Patent: Fernando Y. Sunderland
US 222098 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FERNANDO Y. SUNDERLAND, OF THORNTOWN, INDIANA. IMPROVEMENT IN MAGAZINE-GUNS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 222,098, dated November 25, 1879; application filed January 23, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Fernando Y. Sunderland, of the town of..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 222167 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 222,167, dated December 2, 1879; application filed May 13, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 222168 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 222,168, dated December 2, 1879; application filed August 8, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Lake (Jones)
Britain 5266 A.D. 1879, 24th December. № 5266. Revolving Cylinder Fire-arms. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Willian Robert Lake at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 24th December 1879. A communication from abroad by Owen Jones, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of..Read More
Patent: William H. Bell
US 223100 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM H. BELL OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. IMPROVEMENT IN CARTRIDGE-HOLDERS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 223,100, dated December 30, 1879; application filed October 9, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William E. Bell, of Baltimore, in the..Read More
Patent: William H. Bell
US 223101 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BELL, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. IMPROVEMENT IN REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. s Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 223,101, dated December 30, 1879; application filed October 23, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bell, of Baltimore,..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 50157
Patent: Haddan (Sederl)
Britain 87 A.D. 1880, 8th January. № 87. Fire-arms. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Herbert John Haddan at the Office-of the Commissioners of Patents on the 8th January 1880. A communication from abroad by Thomas Sederl, of Vienna, in the Empire of Austria, Herbert John..Read More
Patent: Peter Holter
US 223645 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. PETER A. HOLTER, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 223,645, dated January 20, 1880. Application filed October 25, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, PETER A. HOLTER, of the city and county..Read More
Patent: Emile & Leon Nagant
Belgian 50871
Patent: Emile & Leon Nagant
US 226923 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EMILE NAGANT AND LEON NAGANT, OF LIEGE, BELGIUM. REVOLVING PISTOL. SPECIFICATION. forming part of Letters Patent No. 226,923, dated April 27, 1880. Application filed September 24, 1879. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, EMILE NAGANT and LÉON NAGANT, both..Read More
Patent: James H. Bullard
US 227481 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JAMES H. BULLARD, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO DANIEL B. WESSON. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 227,481, date May 11, 1880. Application filed December 29, 1879 To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JAMES H. BULLARD,..Read More
Patent: Jacquelin
Britain 1936 A.D. 1880, 11th May. № 1936. Walking Sticks. LETTERS PATENT to Claude Jacquelin, of Paris, 36, Rue des Ecoles, in the Republic of France, for an+ Invention of “Improvements in Walking Sticks.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Claude Jacquelin at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents..Read More
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 51258
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 228009 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 228,009, dated May 25, 1880. Application filed April 9, 1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Samuel
France 137282
Patent: William Bell
US 228859 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM H. BELL, SR, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 228,859, dated June 15, 1880. Application filed April 15, 1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM E. BELL, Sr., of..Read More
Patent: Woodward and Woodward
Britain 2505 A.D. 1880, 21st June. № 2505. Lock Mechanism of Guns, Rifles, &c. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Thomas Woodward and Thomas Woodward, the younger, at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 21st June 1880. Thomas Woodward and Thomas Woodward, the..Read More
Patent: George W. Schofield
USA 239676 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. SCHOFIELD, OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY. CARTRIDGE-HOLDER FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 239,676, dated April 5, 1881. Application filed July 22,1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, GFORGE W. SCHOFIELD7 an..Read More
Patent: Massillon
France 138510
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 52206
Patent: Kaufmann
Britain 4302 A.D. 1880, 21st October. № 4302. Locks for Fire Arms. LETTERS PATENT to Michael Kaufmann, of No. 11, Wellington Street, Strand, London, in the County of Middlesex, for an Invention of “Improvements in Locks for Fire Arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Michael Kaufmann at the Office..Read More
Patent: Boult (O’Mahoney)
Britain 4146 A.D. 1880, 12th October. № 4146. Pistols, &c. LETTERS PATENT to Alfred Julius Boult, of the Firm of Wm. P. Thompson and Company, of 323, High Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, and 6, Lord Street, Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, Engineer and Patent Agent, for an..Read More
Patent: Pirlot & Fresart
France 139238
Patent: Freeman Hood
US 235240 Modernized LeMat United State Patten Office. FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 235,240, dated December 7, 1880. Application filed October 9, 1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Freeman W. Hood, of..Read More
Patent: Laridan
France 140864 BREVET nº 140864, en date du 31 janvier 1881, A M. LARIDAN, pour un revolver à verrou de sûreté, système G. Laridan. Pl. I, fig. 1 à 5. Chacun sait que dans la construction des revolvers à broches du système Lefaucheux ou autre, des revolvers à percussion centrale,..Read More
Patent: John Jepson Atkinson
Britain 716 A.D. 1881, 19th February, № 716. Repeating Fire-arms and Revolvers, &c., LETTERS PATENT to John Jepson Atkinson, of the Middle Temple, in the City of London, Barrister-at-Law, and Joseph Needham, of Hammersmith Terrace, in the County of Middlesex, Gun Maker, for an Invention of “Improvements in Repeating Fire-arms..Read More
Patent: Henry McGee
US 239821 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY McGEE, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO HIMSELF AND FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF SAME PLACE. CYLINDER-STOP FOR REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 239,821, dated April 5, 1881. Application filed February 17, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern:..Read More
Patent: Laridan
France 140864 add CERTIFICAT en date du 11 avril 1881. Pl. I, fig. 6 à 11. La présente addition a pour objet une simplification dans la construction de mon système de verrou de sûreté, qui en rend l’application économique, pratique et générale. Dans les documents précédemment déposés, j’ai décrit une..Read More
Patent: A. L. Sweet
US 210725-RE9704 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ALONZO L. SWEET, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE BACON ARMS COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 9,704, dated May 10, 1881. Original No. 210,725, dated December 10, 1878. Application for reissue filed April 11, 1881...Read More
Patent: LeMat
France 144117 BREVET nº 144117, en date du 26 juillet 1881, A M. LE MAT, pour des perfectionnements aux revolvers à deux canons ou à mitraille. Pl. VII, fig. 1 à 3. Cette invention a pour objet de nouveaux perfectionnements que j’ai apportés dans la construction des revolvers à deux..Read More
Patent: Gedge (Kaufmann)
Britain 3313 A.D. 1881, 29th July. № 3313. Fire Arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Edward Gedge, of No. 11, Wellington Street, Strand, London, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for an Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms.” A communication from abroad by Michael Kaufmann, of Brussels, Belgium. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left..Read More
Patent: Randolph Cory
US 245792 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. RANDOLPH P. CORY, OF UNION CITY, INDIANA. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 245,792, dated August 16, 1881. Application filed February 21, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, RANDOLPH P. CORY, of Union..Read More
Patent: Atkinson & Needham
France 144438 BREVET nº 144438, en date du 18 août 1881, A MM. ATKINSON et NEEDHAM, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à feu à répétition et aux revolvers, ainsi qu’aux cartouches employées pour lesdites armes, et pour les autres genres d’armes àfeu. Pl. IX. Dans les armes à feu à..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
USA 248223 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 248,223, dated October 11, 1881 Application filed August 31,1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United States,..Read More
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 55511
Patent: Kaufmann
Britain 3913 A.D. 1881, 9 September. № 3913. LETTERS: PATENT to Michael Kaufmann, of No. 11, Wellington Street, Strand, London, in the County of Middlesex, for an Invention of “Improvements In Fire Arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Michael! Kaufmann at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on..Read More
Patent: Homer Caldwell
US 246940 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HOMER M. CALDWELL, OF WORCESTER, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF TO DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 246,940, dated September 13, 1881. Application filed July 21, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 247217 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 247,217, dated September 20, 1881. Application filed March 28, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: William Mason
US 247374 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM MASON, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLT’S PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 247,374, dated September 20, 1881. Application filed June 29, 1881. (No Model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 247218 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 247,218, dated September 20, 1881 Application filed July 21, 1881 (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: Samuel
France 145040 Brevet nº 145040, en date du 27 septembre 1881, A M. SAMUEL, pour un système perfectionné de fusil-revolver. Pl. X, fig. 1 à 6. La présente invention a pour objet un système perfectionné de fusil-revolver, qui se distingue des systèmes antérieurs par les particularités essentielles suivantes: 1º Le..Read More
Patent: William Mason
US 248190 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM MASON, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLTS PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 248,190, dated October 11, 1881. Application filed June 13, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern:..Read More
Patent: LeMat
France 144117 add CERTIFICAT en date du 13 octobre 1881. Pl. VII, fig. 4 à 11. La présente addition a pour objet des perfectionnements apportés aux revolvers à deux canons et à mitraille et l’adjonction d’une poche-crosse. Ces perfectionnements portent notamment sur la combinaison d’un système de déclenchement permettant d’immobiliser..Read More
Patent: William Mason
US 249649 Swing-out ejection Be it known that I, Wm. Mason, of Hartford, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut, have invented new Improvements in Revolvers; and I do hereby declare the following, when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings and the letters of reference marked thereon,..Read More
Patent: Webley
Britain 5143 A.D. 1881, 24th November. № 5143. Small Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Thomas William Webley and Henry Webley, both of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Manufacturers, for an Invention of “Improvements in Small Fire Arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Thomas William Webley and Henry Webley..Read More
Patent: William Mason
US 250375 To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, Wm. Mason, of Hartford, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut, have invented a new Improvement in Revolvers; and I do hereby declare the following, when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings and..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 250591 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 250,591, dated December 6, 1881. Application filed October 15, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 247218-RE9965 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 9,965, dated December 13, 1881. Original No. 247,218, dated September 20, 1881. Application for reissue filed October 8, 1881. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that..Read More
Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant
Britain 5504 A.D. 1881, 16h December. № 5504. Locks of Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Edouard Bled and Edmond Richoux, both of Paris, in the Republic of France, Gentlemen, and Jean Warnant, of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium, Fire-arm Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in the Locks of Fire-Arms.”..Read More
Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant
Britain 5520 A.D. 1881, 16th December. № 5520. Locks of Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Edouard Bled and Edmond Richoux, both of Paris, in the Republic of France, Gentleman, and Jean Warnant, of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium, Fire-arm Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in the Locks of Fire-arms.”..Read More
Patent: Lake (Wesson)
Britain 5569 A.D. 1881, 20th December. № 5569, Revolving Cylinder Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Robert Lake, of the Firm of Haseltine, Lake, & Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London, for an Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Cylinder Fire-arms.” A communication from abroad by Joseph Hawes Wesson, of Springfield, Massachusetts,..Read More
Patent: William Stringfellow
Britain 5564 A.D. 1881, 20th December. № 5564. Revolving Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Stringfellow, of Mistley, in the County of Essex, for an Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Fire-arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Stringfellow at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 20th December..Read More
Patent: Smith & Smith
US 251306 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OTIS A. SMITH AND JOHN T. SMITH, OF MIDDLEFIELD, CONNECTICUT; SAID JOHN T. SMITH ASSIGNOR TO SAID OTIS A. SMITH. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,306, dated December 20, 1881. Application filed October 28, 1881. (No model.) To all whom..Read More
Patent: Mills (McLean)
Britain 5613 A.D. 1881, 22nd December. № 5613. Fire-arms, &c. LETTERS PATENT to Benjamin Joseph Barnard Mills, of the Firm of Harris and Mills, of 23, Southampton Buildings, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for an Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms, and in Magazines and Cartridges therefor.”— A communication..Read More
Patent: Joseph. H. Wesson
US 251750 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOSEPH. H. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,750, dated January 3, 1882. Application filed September 23, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOSEPH. H. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Joseph Wesson
US 251750 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOSEPH. H. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,750, dated January 3, 1882. Application filed September 23, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOSEPH. H. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: Daniel Moore
US 253221 Grip Shape UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. PISTOL-HANDLE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 258,221, dated February 7, 1882. Application filed August 27, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Danl. Moore, a citizen of..Read More
Patent: George Cilley
US 254798 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICE, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 254,798, dated March 14, 1882. Application filed December 30, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, a citizen of..Read More
Patent: Edouard Bled & Jean Warnant
US 255241 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EDOUARD BLED, OF PARIS, FRANCE, AND JEAN WARNANT, OF LIEGE, BELGIUM. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 255,241, dated March 21, 1862. Application filed January 30, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we,..Read More
Patent: Edouard Bled
US 255573 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EDOUARD BLED, OF PARIS, FRANCE. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 255,573, dated March 28, 1882. Application filed January 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium March 15, 1880, and December 15, 1880. To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: Brewer (Turbiaux)
Britain 2731 A.D. 1882, 10 June, № 2731. Revolvers or Pocket Pistols. LETTERS PATENT to Edward Griffith Brewer of 33 Chancery Lane in the County of Middlesex for an invention of “Improvements in revolvers or pocket pistols” Communicated to him from abroad by Jacques Edmond Turbiaux of Paris France PROVISIONAL..Read More
Patent: Michael Kaufmann
US 261555 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 261,555, dated July 25, 1882. Application filed April 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium October 15, 1878, and August 3, 1880, No. 52,206; in England October 21, 1880,..Read More
Patent: Michael Kaufmann
US 261554 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 261,554, dated July 25, 1882. Application filed April 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium October 15, 1878, and August 20, 1881, No. 55,511; in France April 20, 1881, No...Read More
Patent: Howard
Britain 4038 A.D. 1882, 23rd August. № 4088. Combination Arms. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Richard Howard at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 28rd August 1882. Richard Howard, of the Town and County of the Town of Southampton,”Improvements in combination arms”..Read More
Patent: William Mason
US 263551 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM MASON, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLTS PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 263,551, dated August 29, 1882. Application filed March 25, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: George Cilley
US 263684 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 268,684, dated September 5, 1882. Application filed March 20, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, a..Read More
Patent: Daniel Moore
US 264325 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,325, dated September 12, 1882. Application filed March 3, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Daniel Moore, a citizen of the..Read More
Patent: Samuel
France 145040 add 1º Certificat, en date du 22 septembre 1882. Pl. X, fig. 7 à 10. La présente addition a pour objet le perfectionnement et l’addition de quelques pièces au système perfectionné du fusil-revolver: 1º Le levier qui commande le déplacement du canon n’est plus solidaire du pontet de..Read More
Patent: Gay
France 152006
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 59519
Patent: F. W. Hood
US 116593-RE10257 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF NORWICE, CONNECTICUT, REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 10,257, dated December 5, 1882. Original No. 116,593, dated July 4, 1871. Application for reissue filed October 2, 1882. To all whom it may concern: Be it known..Read More
Patent: Freeman Hood
US 268489 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVNG FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 268,489, dated December 5, 1882. Application filed September 25, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Freeman W. Hood, of Norwich, in..Read More
Patent: Donald Smith
US 269890 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DONALD D. SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 269,890, dated January 2, 1883. Application filed August 16, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DONALD D. SMITH, of Springfield, in..Read More
Patent: George Cilley
US 270204 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 270,204, dated January 9, 1888. Application filed August 21, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be known that 1, George W. Cilley, a citizen of..Read More
Patent: Webley
Britain 542 A.D. 1883, 1st February. № 542. Breech-Loading Small Arms. LETTERS PATENT to Henry Webley, of the firm of Philip Webley and Son, of 82 Weaman Street, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Guo Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in Breech-Loading Small Arms” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the..Read More
Patent: Jacques Turbiaux
US 273644 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JACQUES E. TURBIAUX, OF PARIS, FRANCE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 273,644, dated March 6, 1883. Application filed June 29, 1882. (No model.) Patented in France June 9, 1882, No. 149,466; in Belgium June 9, 1882, No. 58,148; in England June..Read More
Patent: Frank Allen
US 273335 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, FRANK H. ALLEN, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVNG FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 273,335, dated March 6, 1883. Application filed April 17, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, Frank H. Allen, of the city of..Read More
Patent: Henry Goodman
US 274093 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY GOODMAN, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF TO DANIEL P. KANE, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 274,093, dated March 18, 1883. Application filed September 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More
Patent: Dexter Smith
US 279197 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 279,197, dated June 12, 1883. Application filed May 8, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United States,..Read More
Patent: Werndl
France 156046 BREVET nº 156046, en date du 15 juin 1883, AM. WERNDL, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à répétition munies d’un magasin-revolver. Pl. III. Les armes à magasin-revolver présentent l’inconvénient d’un mode de chargement très long, ce qui diminue les avantages du système à répétition. Les perfectionnements que je..Read More
Patent: Samuel
France 145040 add 2º CERTIFICAT, en date du 27 juillet 1883. Pl. X, fig. 11 à 14. La présente addition a pour objet le perfectionnement et l’addition de quelques pièces au fusil-revolver: 1º Fig. 11, le levier qui commande le déplacement du canon est placé sous le tenon, sur lequel..Read More
Patent: James Aldrich
US 283185 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES T. ALDRICH, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO HIMSELF AND WILLIAM H. BABCOCK, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 283,185, dated August 14, 1883. Application filed May 4, 1883. (No model.) To all, whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 62109
Patent: William Bliss
US 283854 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. SAFETY-LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 283,854, dated August 28, 1883. Application filed June 20, 1883. (No model.) To aid, whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bliss, of the..Read More
Patent: Daniel Wesson
US 284786 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 284,786, dated September 11, 1883. Application filed July 17, 1882. Renewed June 25, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More
Patent: LeMat
France 157662 BREVET nº 157662, en date du 21 septembre 1883, AM. LE MAT, pour des perfectionnements aux revolvers à mitraille. Pl. V. Fig. 1, élévation longitudinale latérale de gauche d’une arme de mon système, le barillet et le canon correspondant étant enlevés ainsi que les plaques de recouvrement du..Read More
Patent: Needham
Britain 4693 A.D. 1883, 2nd October, № 4693. Breech Loading Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to George Henry Needham of Wandsworth in the County of Surrey Gunmaker for an Invention of “Improvements in breech loading fire-arms” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said George Henry Needham at the Office of the Commissioners of..Read More
Patent: Daniel B. Wesson
US 285862 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. LOCK FOR REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 285,862, dated October 2, 1883. Application filed June 25, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Daniel, B. Wesson, of..Read More
Patent: Colley
Britain 5163 A.D. 1883, 30th October. № 5163. Revolving Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Walter William Colley of Camberwell in the County of Surrey for an Invention of Improvements in revolving fire-arms (Void by reason of the Patentee having neglected to file a Specification in pursuance of the conditions of the..Read More
Patent: Kaufmann, M.
Britain 189 A.D. 1884, 1s January, № 189. Improvements in Fire Arms. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I Michael, Kaufmann, of № 8 Devonshire Road, Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Gentleman, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for Improvements in Fine Arms to be as follows:— My object is to..Read More
Patent: J. Carter
Britain 1820 A.D. 1884, 2st January, № 1820. Improvements in Revolvers and other Breech-loading Pistols. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I John Carter, of № 33 Ford Street, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Action Filer, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for “Improvements in Revolvers and other Breech-loading Pistols” to..Read More
Patent: J. Carter
Britain 2555 A.D. 1884, 1st February, № 2555. Improvements in Revolving Firearms. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I John Carter, of 33 Ford Street Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Action Filer, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for “Improvements in Revolving Firearms” to be as follows:— The object of my..Read More
Patent: Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft
France 160300 BREVET nº 160300, en date du 13 février 1884, A la COMPAGNIE AUTRICHIENNE DE FABRICATION d’armes DE STEYR, DITE OESTERREICHISCHE WAFFENFABRIKS-GESELLSCHAFT, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à répé tition, munies d’un magasin-revolver. Pl. I. La présente invention est relative à des perfectionnements dans les armes à répétition munies..Read More
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 64005
Patent: William Bliss
US 294188 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 294,188, dated February 26, 1884. Application filed December 17, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bliss, of the city of..Read More
Patent: John T. Smith
US 295064 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCKFALL, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 295,064, dated March 11, 1884. Application filed December 31, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of Rockfall, in the..Read More
Patent: Frank Allen
US 294950 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FRANK H. ALLEN, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. CYLINDER-STOP FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 294,950, dated March 11, 1884. Application filed August 9, 1883, (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it, known that I, Frank H. Allen, of the..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 64421
Patent: John Kelton
US 297412 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN C. KELTON, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. PISTOL-HANDLE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 297,412, dated April 22, 1884. Application filed August 31, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN C. KELTON, of the city..Read More
Patent: Samuel Hopkins
US 297801 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL S. HOPKINS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 297,801, dated April 29, 1884. Application filed February 4, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, Samuel S. Hopkins, of the city of Norwich,..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 66000
Patent: Maxim
France 162735 BREVET nº 162735, en date du 13 juin 1884, A M. MAXIM, pour des perfectionnements aux mitrailleuses, fusils-revolvers et autres armes àfeu analogues. (Extrait.) Pl. IV, fig. 1 à 15. Cette invention est relative à des fusils revolvers ou mitrailleuses et son objet principal est de construire un..Read More
Patent: Annener Gussstahlwerk
German 30574 ANNENER GUSSSTAHLWERK (ACTIEN-GESELLSCHAFT) in ANNEN (Westfalen). Kupplungsheft an Revolvertaschen, welche als Anschlagskolben benutzt werden können. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 26. Juni 1884 ah. Es ist bekannt, dafs für die Kriegsbewaffnung der Officiere, Unteroffiziere und solcher Mannschaften, welche nicht mit einer längeren Handfeuerwaffe versehen werden können, in den..Read More
Patent: Maxim
France 162735 add CERTIFICAT en date du 28 juin 1884. (Extrait.) Pl. V, fig. 16 à 36. La présente addition est relative à des perfectionnements aux mitrailleuses et fusils automatiques du genre décrit dans le brevet, c’est-à-dire aux armes dans lesquelles l’explosion d’une cartouche effectue l’extraction et l’expulsion de l’étui..Read More
Patent: William Trabue
US 301180 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,180, dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 1, 1883. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: William Trabue
US 301181 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,181, dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 17, 1883. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: William Trabue
US 301182 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION form part of Letters Patent No. 301,182 dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 17, 1883. (No. Model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More
Patent: Jean Warnant
US 301649 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JEAN WARNANT, OF LIEGE, BELGIUM, ASSIGNOR TO COLTS PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,649, dated July 8, 1884. Application filed April 7, 1884. (No model.) Patented in Belgium July 19, 1883, No. 62,109. To..Read More
Patent: Carl Ehbets
US 303135 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CARL J. EHBETS, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO COLTS PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 303,135, dated August 5, 1884. Application filed May 21, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More
Patent: Arthur Hood
US 304731 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ARTHUR FRANCIS HOOD, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR, BY MESNE ASSIGNMENTS, TO HIMSELF AND FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 304,731, dated September 9, 1884. Application filed May 12, 1884. (No model.) To all, whom, it in..Read More
Patent: John Henry Munch
US 306276 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN HENRY MUNCH, OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. CHARGER FOR LOADING REVOLVERS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 306,276, dated October 7, 1884. Application filed March 17, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN HENRY MUNCH,..Read More
Patent: Carl Ehbets
US 306596 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CARL J. EHBETS, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLTS PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 306,596, dated October 14, 1884. Application filed June 23, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it..Read More
Patent: J. Warnant
Belgium 66383
Patent: M. Kaufmann
Belgium 66474