
Patent: Webley

Patent: Webley

Britain 5143 A.D. 1881, 24th November. № 5143. Small Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Thomas William Webley and Henry Webley, both of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Gun Manufacturers, for an Invention of “Improvements in Small Fire Arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Thomas William Webley and Henry Webley..Read More

Patent: William Mason

Patent: William Mason

US 250375 To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, Wm. Mason, of Hartford, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut, have invented a new Improvement in Revolvers; and I do hereby declare the following, when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings and..Read More

Patent: Dexter Smith

Patent: Dexter Smith

US 250591 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 250,591, dated December 6, 1881. Application filed October 15, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United..Read More


Patent: Dexter Smith

US 247218-RE9965 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 9,965, dated December 13, 1881. Original No. 247,218, dated September 20, 1881. Application for reissue filed October 8, 1881. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that..Read More

Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant

Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant

Britain 5504 A.D. 1881, 16h December. № 5504. Locks of Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Edouard Bled and Edmond Richoux, both of Paris, in the Republic of France, Gentlemen, and Jean Warnant, of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium, Fire-arm Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in the Locks of Fire-Arms.”..Read More

Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant

Patent: Bled, Richoux, and Warnant

Britain 5520 A.D. 1881, 16th December. № 5520. Locks of Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Edouard Bled and Edmond Richoux, both of Paris, in the Republic of France, Gentleman, and Jean Warnant, of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium, Fire-arm Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in the Locks of Fire-arms.”..Read More

Patent: Lake (Wesson)

Patent: Lake (Wesson)

Britain 5569 A.D. 1881, 20th December. № 5569, Revolving Cylinder Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Robert Lake, of the Firm of Haseltine, Lake, & Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London, for an Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Cylinder Fire-arms.” A communication from abroad by Joseph Hawes Wesson, of Springfield, Massachusetts,..Read More

Patent: William Stringfellow

Patent: William Stringfellow

Britain 5564 A.D. 1881, 20th December. № 5564. Revolving Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to William Stringfellow, of Mistley, in the County of Essex, for an Invention of “Improvements in Revolving Fire-arms.” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Stringfellow at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 20th December..Read More

Patent: Smith & Smith

Patent: Smith & Smith

US 251306 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OTIS A. SMITH AND JOHN T. SMITH, OF MIDDLEFIELD, CONNECTICUT; SAID JOHN T. SMITH ASSIGNOR TO SAID OTIS A. SMITH. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,306, dated December 20, 1881. Application filed October 28, 1881. (No model.) To all whom..Read More

Patent: Mills (McLean)

Patent: Mills (McLean)

Britain 5613 A.D. 1881, 22nd December. № 5613. Fire-arms, &c. LETTERS PATENT to Benjamin Joseph Barnard Mills, of the Firm of Harris and Mills, of 23, Southampton Buildings, in the County of Middlesex, Patent Agent, for an Invention of “Improvements in Fire-arms, and in Magazines and Cartridges therefor.”— A communication..Read More

Patent: J. H. Wessen

Patent: J. H. Wessen

Germany 19705 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 19705 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. JOSEPH HAWES WESSON in SPRINGFIELD (Mass. V.) Neuerungen an Revolverschlössern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 25. December 1881 ab. Der Zweck der Erfindung ist, die Arretirung des Patronencylinders bei Repetirgewehren und Revolvern unabhängig zu machen von dem Abzug...Read More

Patent: Joseph. H. Wesson

Patent: Joseph. H. Wesson

US 251750 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOSEPH. H. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,750, dated January 3, 1882. Application filed September 23, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOSEPH. H. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More

Patent: Joseph Wesson

Patent: Joseph Wesson

US 251750 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOSEPH. H. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,750, dated January 3, 1882. Application filed September 23, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOSEPH. H. WESSON, of Springfield, in..Read More

Patent: J. H. McLean

Patent: J. H. McLean

Germany 24326 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 24326 — KLASSE 72: Schuusswarfen und Geschosse. Dr. med. JAMES HENRY MS LEAN m ST. LOUIS (Missouri, V. S. A). Magazingewehr. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 5, Januar 1882 ab. Von. den Figuren der beiliegenden Zeichnun-gen veranschaulicht: Fig. 1 die innere Einrichtung einer nach den..Read More

Patent: Daniel Moore

Patent: Daniel Moore

US 253221 Grip Shape UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. PISTOL-HANDLE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 258,221, dated February 7, 1882. Application filed August 27, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Danl. Moore, a citizen of..Read More

Patent: Edouard Bled

Patent: Edouard Bled

Germany 19728 Edouard Bled in Paris. Neuerungen an Revolverschlössern. Deutsches Reichspatent No. 19 728 vom 8. Februar 1882 ab. (Hiezu Abbildungen Fig. 1 bis 7 der Tafel.) In beigefügter Zeichnung stellt Fig. 1 den Längenschnitt eines Revolvers dieser Con struktion mit dem Hahn in der Ruherast dar. Fig. 2 zeigt..Read More

Patent: E. Bled & J. Warnant

Patent: E. Bled & J. Warnant

Germany 19729 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 19729 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Grschosse. EDOUARD BLED und JEAN WARNANT in PARIS. Neuerungen an Revolverschlössern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 15. Februar 1882 ab. Die Neuerungen bestehen aus einem Schloß, welches bei Feuerwaffen jeder Art und namentlich bei Revolvern angewendet werden kann. In..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 254798 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICE, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 254,798, dated March 14, 1882. Application filed December 30, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, a citizen of..Read More

Patent: Edouard Bled & Jean Warnant

Patent: Edouard Bled & Jean Warnant

US 255241 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EDOUARD BLED, OF PARIS, FRANCE, AND JEAN WARNANT, OF LIEGE, BELGIUM. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 255,241, dated March 21, 1862. Application filed January 30, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we,..Read More

Patent: Edouard Bled

Patent: Edouard Bled

US 255573 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EDOUARD BLED, OF PARIS, FRANCE. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 255,573, dated March 28, 1882. Application filed January 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium March 15, 1880, and December 15, 1880. To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Kaufmann

Patent: Kaufmann

Germany 20427 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 20427 — KLASSE 72: Scuusswarfen und Geschosse. MICHAEL KAUFMANN in LONDON. Neuerungen an Revolvern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 28. März 1882 ab. In folgendem ist eine nähere Beschreibung der durch die Zeichnungen dargestellten Constructionen gegeben. Fig. 1 stellt eine Seitenansicht eines Revolvers dar, bei..Read More

Patent: Brewer (Turbiaux)

Patent: Brewer (Turbiaux)

Britain 2731 A.D. 1882, 10 June, № 2731. Revolvers or Pocket Pistols. LETTERS PATENT to Edward Griffith Brewer of 33 Chancery Lane in the County of Middlesex for an invention of “Improvements in revolvers or pocket pistols” Communicated to him from abroad by Jacques Edmond Turbiaux of Paris France PROVISIONAL..Read More

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

US 261555 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 261,555, dated July 25, 1882. Application filed April 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium October 15, 1878, and August 3, 1880, No. 52,206; in England October 21, 1880,..Read More

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

US 261554 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MICHAEL KAUFMANN, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 261,554, dated July 25, 1882. Application filed April 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in Belgium October 15, 1878, and August 20, 1881, No. 55,511; in France April 20, 1881, No...Read More


Patent: Howard

Britain 4038 A.D. 1882, 23rd August. № 4088. Combination Arms. (This Invention received Provisional Protection only.) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Richard Howard at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 28rd August 1882. Richard Howard, of the Town and County of the Town of Southampton,”Improvements in combination arms”..Read More

Patent: J. E. Turbiaux

Patent: J. E. Turbiaux

Germany 21929 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 21929 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Grschösse. JACQUES EDMOND TURBIAUX in PARIS. Revolver mit normal zur Laufachse stehender Walzenachse. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 26. August 1882 ab. Es ist allgemein bekannt, wie unbequem die bisherigen Revolver in der Hand zu halten sind, und dafs..Read More

Patent: William Mason

Patent: William Mason

US 263551 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM MASON, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLTS PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 263,551, dated August 29, 1882. Application filed March 25, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 263684   UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 268,684, dated September 5, 1882. Application filed March 20, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, a..Read More

Patent: Daniel Moore

Patent: Daniel Moore

US 264325 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL MOORE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,325, dated September 12, 1882. Application filed March 3, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Daniel Moore, a citizen of the..Read More

Patent: Samuel

Patent: Samuel

France 145040 add 1º Certificat, en date du 22 septembre 1882. Pl. X, fig. 7 à 10. La présente addition a pour objet le perfectionnement et l’addition de quelques pièces au système perfectionné du fusil-revolver: 1º Le levier qui commande le déplacement du canon n’est plus solidaire du pontet de..Read More

Patent: Gay

Patent: Gay

France 152006

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 59519


Patent: F. W. Hood

US 116593-RE10257 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF NORWICE, CONNECTICUT, REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 10,257, dated December 5, 1882. Original No. 116,593, dated July 4, 1871. Application for reissue filed October 2, 1882. To all whom it may concern: Be it known..Read More

Patent: Freeman Hood

Patent: Freeman Hood

US 268489 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVNG FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 268,489, dated December 5, 1882. Application filed September 25, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Freeman W. Hood, of Norwich, in..Read More

Patent: Donald Smith

Patent: Donald Smith

US 269890 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DONALD D. SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 269,890, dated January 2, 1883. Application filed August 16, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DONALD D. SMITH, of Springfield, in..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 270204 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 270,204, dated January 9, 1888. Application filed August 21, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be known that 1, George W. Cilley, a citizen of..Read More

Patent: Webley

Patent: Webley

Britain 542 A.D. 1883, 1st February. № 542. Breech-Loading Small Arms. LETTERS PATENT to Henry Webley, of the firm of Philip Webley and Son, of 82 Weaman Street, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Guo Manufacturer, for an Invention of “Improvements in Breech-Loading Small Arms” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the..Read More

Patent: Jacques Turbiaux

Patent: Jacques Turbiaux

US 273644 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JACQUES E. TURBIAUX, OF PARIS, FRANCE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 273,644, dated March 6, 1883. Application filed June 29, 1882. (No model.) Patented in France June 9, 1882, No. 149,466; in Belgium June 9, 1882, No. 58,148; in England June..Read More

Patent: Frank Allen

Patent: Frank Allen

US 273335 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, FRANK H. ALLEN, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVNG FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 273,335, dated March 6, 1883. Application filed April 17, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, Frank H. Allen, of the city of..Read More

Patent: Henry Goodman

Patent: Henry Goodman

US 274093 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY GOODMAN, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF TO DANIEL P. KANE, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 274,093, dated March 18, 1883. Application filed September 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More

Patent: Dexter Smith

Patent: Dexter Smith

US 279197 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DEXTER SMITH, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 279,197, dated June 12, 1883. Application filed May 8, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DEXTER SMITH, a citizen of the United States,..Read More


Patent: Werndl

France 156046 BREVET nº 156046, en date du 15 juin 1883, AM. WERNDL, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à répétition munies d’un magasin-revolver. Pl. III. Les armes à magasin-revolver présentent l’inconvénient d’un mode de chargement très long, ce qui diminue les avantages du système à répétition. Les perfectionnements que je..Read More

Patent: L. Hamal

Patent: L. Hamal

Germany 26207 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 26207 — LEON HAMAL in LÜTTICH. Revolver mit zur Seite herausschwenkhbarer Walze. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom ı6. Juni 1883 ab. Dieser Revolver mit Auszieher besitzt ein aus einem Stück bestehendes Gehäuse A, aus welchem die Trommel F seitwärts herausgeschwenkt werden kann, eine Entladungsvorrichtung, bei..Read More

Patent: Samuel

Patent: Samuel

France 145040 add 2º CERTIFICAT, en date du 27 juillet 1883. Pl. X, fig. 11 à 14. La présente addition a pour objet le perfectionnement et l’addition de quelques pièces au fusil-revolver: 1º Fig. 11, le levier qui commande le déplacement du canon est placé sous le tenon, sur lequel..Read More

Patent: James Aldrich

Patent: James Aldrich

US 283185 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES T. ALDRICH, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO HIMSELF AND WILLIAM H. BABCOCK, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 283,185, dated August 14, 1883. Application filed May 4, 1883. (No model.) To all, whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 62109

Patent: William Bliss

Patent: William Bliss

US 283854 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. SAFETY-LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 283,854, dated August 28, 1883. Application filed June 20, 1883. (No model.) To aid, whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bliss, of the..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 284786 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 284,786, dated September 11, 1883. Application filed July 17, 1882. Renewed June 25, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More

Patent: LeMat

Patent: LeMat

France 157662 BREVET nº 157662, en date du 21 septembre 1883, AM. LE MAT, pour des perfectionnements aux revolvers à mitraille. Pl. V. Fig. 1, élévation longitudinale latérale de gauche d’une arme de mon système, le barillet et le canon correspondant étant enlevés ainsi que les plaques de recouvrement du..Read More

Patent: Needham

Patent: Needham

Britain 4693 A.D. 1883, 2nd October, № 4693. Breech Loading Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to George Henry Needham of Wandsworth in the County of Surrey Gunmaker for an Invention of “Improvements in breech loading fire-arms” PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said George Henry Needham at the Office of the Commissioners of..Read More

Patent: Daniel B. Wesson

Patent: Daniel B. Wesson

US 285862 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. LOCK FOR REVOLVING FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 285,862, dated October 2, 1883. Application filed June 25, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Daniel, B. Wesson, of..Read More


Patent: Colley

Britain 5163 A.D. 1883, 30th October. № 5163. Revolving Fire-arms. LETTERS PATENT to Walter William Colley of Camberwell in the County of Surrey for an Invention of Improvements in revolving fire-arms (Void by reason of the Patentee having neglected to file a Specification in pursuance of the conditions of the..Read More

Patent: Cäsar Kaestner

Patent: Cäsar Kaestner

Germany 27458 Cäsar Kaestner in Magdeburg. Revolvergewehr. Deutsches Reichspatent vom 9. Dezember 1883 ab. Abhängig vom Patent Nr. 2564. (Hiezu Abbildungen Fig. 1 bis 6 der Tafel. ) Die Monate Januar und Februar bringen uns in Hinsicht auf die neuen Erfindungen alljährig die todte Saison. Es werden zu dieser Zeit..Read More

Patent: Kaufmann, M.

Patent: Kaufmann, M.

Britain 189 A.D. 1884, 1s January, № 189. Improvements in Fire Arms. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I Michael, Kaufmann, of № 8 Devonshire Road, Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Gentleman, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for Improvements in Fine Arms to be as follows:— My object is to..Read More

Patent: J. Carter

Patent: J. Carter

Britain 1820 A.D. 1884, 2st January, № 1820. Improvements in Revolvers and other Breech-loading Pistols. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I John Carter, of № 33 Ford Street, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Action Filer, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for “Improvements in Revolvers and other Breech-loading Pistols” to..Read More

Patent: J. Carter

Patent: J. Carter

Britain 2555 A.D. 1884, 1st February, № 2555. Improvements in Revolving Firearms. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. I John Carter, of 33 Ford Street Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Action Filer, do hereby declare the nature of my invention for “Improvements in Revolving Firearms” to be as follows:— The object of my..Read More

Patent: F. Meyer

Patent: F. Meyer

Germany 28461 PAITENISCHRIFT — Nº 28461 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. F. MEYER in SCHWERINGEN. Repetirvorrichtung für Geschütze. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 7. Februar 1884 ab. In der beiliegenden Zeichnung wird der Repetirmechanismus dargestellt, und zwar zeigt: Fig. 1 die rechte Seitenansicht des Geschützes mit dem Repetirmechanismus im..Read More


Patent: Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft

France 160300 BREVET nº 160300, en date du 13 février 1884, A la COMPAGNIE AUTRICHIENNE DE FABRICATION d’armes DE STEYR, DITE OESTERREICHISCHE WAFFENFABRIKS-GESELLSCHAFT, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à répé tition, munies d’un magasin-revolver. Pl. I. La présente invention est relative à des perfectionnements dans les armes à répétition munies..Read More

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Belgium 64005

Patent: William Bliss

Patent: William Bliss

US 294188 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 294,188, dated February 26, 1884. Application filed December 17, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bliss, of the city of..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 295064 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCKFALL, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 295,064, dated March 11, 1884. Application filed December 31, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of Rockfall, in the..Read More

Patent: Frank Allen

Patent: Frank Allen

US 294950 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FRANK H. ALLEN, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. CYLINDER-STOP FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 294,950, dated March 11, 1884. Application filed August 9, 1883, (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it, known that I, Frank H. Allen, of the..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 64421

Patent: John Kelton

Patent: John Kelton

US 297412 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN C. KELTON, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. PISTOL-HANDLE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 297,412, dated April 22, 1884. Application filed August 31, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN C. KELTON, of the city..Read More

Patent: Samuel Hopkins

Patent: Samuel Hopkins

US 297801 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL S. HOPKINS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 297,801, dated April 29, 1884. Application filed February 4, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Beit known that I, Samuel S. Hopkins, of the city of Norwich,..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 66000

Patent: Em. & L. Nagant

Patent: Em. & L. Nagant

Germany 30535 Em. & L. Nagant in Lüttich. Neuerungen an Revolvern. Deutsches Reichspatent vom 7. Juni 1884 ab. (Hiezu Abbildungen Fig. 1 bis 16 der Tafel.) Der Mechanismus dieses Revolvers kann leicht ausein ander genommen, zusammengesetzt und gereinigt werden Die Hauptfeder besteht aus zwei wirksamen Armen. Der untere Arm drückt..Read More


Patent: Maxim

France 162735 BREVET nº 162735, en date du 13 juin 1884, A M. MAXIM, pour des perfectionnements aux mitrailleuses, fusils-revolvers et autres armes àfeu analogues. (Extrait.) Pl. IV, fig. 1 à 15. Cette invention est relative à des fusils revolvers ou mitrailleuses et son objet principal est de construire un..Read More

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

Patent: Michael Kaufmann

Germany 30265 Michael Kaufmann in London. Neuerung an Revolverwalzen. Deutsches Reichspatent vom 26. Juni 1884 ab. (Hiezu Abbildungen Fig. 12 bis 14 der Tafel.) Beim Abfeuern der Revolver strömen Pulvergase zwischen der Walze a und dem Körper b aus, wodurch Pulverschleim und Unreinigkeiten auf dem Drehzapfen c und auf dem..Read More

Patent: Annener Gussstahlwerk

Patent: Annener Gussstahlwerk

German 30574 ANNENER GUSSSTAHLWERK (ACTIEN-GESELLSCHAFT) in ANNEN (Westfalen). Kupplungsheft an Revolvertaschen, welche als Anschlagskolben benutzt werden können. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 26. Juni 1884 ah. Es ist bekannt, dafs für die Kriegsbewaffnung der Officiere, Unteroffiziere und solcher Mannschaften, welche nicht mit einer längeren Handfeuerwaffe versehen werden können, in den..Read More


Patent: Maxim

France 162735 add CERTIFICAT en date du 28 juin 1884. (Extrait.) Pl. V, fig. 16 à 36. La présente addition est relative à des perfectionnements aux mitrailleuses et fusils automatiques du genre décrit dans le brevet, c’est-à-dire aux armes dans lesquelles l’explosion d’une cartouche effectue l’extraction et l’expulsion de l’étui..Read More

Patent: William Trabue

Patent: William Trabue

US 301181 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,181, dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 17, 1883. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More

Patent: William Trabue

Patent: William Trabue

US 301180 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,180, dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 1, 1883. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More

Patent: William Trabue

Patent: William Trabue

US 301182 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM TRABUE, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION form part of Letters Patent No. 301,182 dated July 1, 1884. Application filed November 17, 1883. (No. Model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRABUE, a citizen of the United..Read More

Patent: Jean Warnant

Patent: Jean Warnant

US 301649 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JEAN WARNANT, OF LIEGE, BELGIUM, ASSIGNOR TO COLTS PATENT FIRE-ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 301,649, dated July 8, 1884. Application filed April 7, 1884. (No model.) Patented in Belgium July 19, 1883, No. 62,109. To..Read More

Patent: Carl Ehbets

Patent: Carl Ehbets

US 303135 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CARL J. EHBETS, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO COLTS PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 303,135, dated August 5, 1884. Application filed May 21, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Arthur Hood

Patent: Arthur Hood

US 304731 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ARTHUR FRANCIS HOOD, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR, BY MESNE ASSIGNMENTS, TO HIMSELF AND FREEMAN W. HOOD, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 304,731, dated September 9, 1884. Application filed May 12, 1884. (No model.) To all, whom, it in..Read More

Patent: John Henry Munch

Patent: John Henry Munch

US 306276 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN HENRY MUNCH, OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. CHARGER FOR LOADING REVOLVERS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 306,276, dated October 7, 1884. Application filed March 17, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN HENRY MUNCH,..Read More

Patent: Carl Ehbets

Patent: Carl Ehbets

US 306596 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CARL J. EHBETS, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE COLTS PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. LOCK FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 306,596, dated October 14, 1884. Application filed June 23, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 66383

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Belgium 66474

Patent: John M. Marlin

Patent: John M. Marlin

US 308183 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 308,183, dated November 8, 1884. Application filed September 13, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN M. MARLIN, of New Haven,..Read More

Patent: John Marlin

Patent: John Marlin

US 308183 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 308,183, dated November 8, 1884. Application filed September 13, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN M. MARLIN, of New Haven,..Read More

Patent: James Aldrich

Patent: James Aldrich

US 308231 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMEST. ALDRICH, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. DOUBLE-ACTING REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 308,231, dated November 18, 1884. Application filed January 26, 1884. (No model.) To all, whom, it may concern: Be it known that I, James T. Aldrich, of Norwich, in the..Read More

Patent: Silver, H. A., and Fletcher, W.

Patent: Silver, H. A., and Fletcher, W.

Britain 16078 A.D. 1884, 6th December. № 16,078. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Mechanism for Automatically Withdrawing Empty Cartridge Cases from Revolvers and Pistols. We Hugh Adams Silver of Sun Court, Cornhill, London, Merchant and Manufacturer, and Water Fletcher of the same place, Gunsmith do hereby declare the nature of our said invention..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 311383 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCK FALL, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 314,067, dated March 7, 1885. Application filed November 10, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of..Read More

Patent: Samuel Hopkins

Patent: Samuel Hopkins

US 311323 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL S. HOPKINS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. HAMMER FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 31,323, dated January 27, 1885. Application filed November 5, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Samuel S. Hopkins, of the..Read More

Patent: William Bliss

Patent: William Bliss

US 313048 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. H. BLISS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patent No. 313,048, dated March 3, 1885. Application filed February 14, 184. (No model) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, William. H. Bliss, of the city..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 314067 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCK FALL, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 314,067, dated March 7, 1885. Application filed November 10, 1884. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 68024

Patent: J. Carter & H Webley

Patent: J. Carter & H Webley

Britain 4070 MEMORANDUM. WEBLEY AND CARTER’S SPECIFICATION, № 4070, A.D. 1885. Certain clerical errors in the Original Specification having been amended by the Patentee with the consent of the Comptroller, the printed Specification will now read as shown below:— Page 3, line 8, to read ‘security in the mechanism used..Read More

Patent: M. Arendt

Patent: M. Arendt

Belgium 68611

Patent: Envall, G.

Patent: Envall, G.

Britain 5972 A.D. 1885, 15t May. № 5972. Improved Lock Mechanism for Revolvers. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. I, Gustaf Envall, of Linndgatan No 20, Stockholm, Sweden, Major in the Swedish Army, do hereby declare the nature of said invention for “Improved lock mechanism for revolvers” and in what manner the same is..Read More

Patent: Bolag

Patent: Bolag

France 168936

Patent: G. Envalls

Patent: G. Envalls

Germany 34955 PATENTSCHRT — Nº 54955 — KLASSE 72: Scnusswarnen und Geschosse. GESELLSCHAFT ENVALLS REVOLVER PATENT BOLAG in STOCKHOLM. Revolver mit Spanndrücker und besonderem Abzug. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom ı6. Mai 1885 ab. Will man mit den jetzt gebräuchlichen selbstspannenden Revolvern das Ziel mit einiger Sicherheit treffen, so mufs..Read More

Patent: James Boland

Patent: James Boland

US 317965 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES BOLAND, OE NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 317,965, dated May 19, 1885. Application filed February 27, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, James Boland, a citizen of the United..Read More

Patent: Harvey

Patent: Harvey

France 23602 (13469) BREVET D’INVENTION DE QUINZE ANS, En date du 26 mai 1855, Au sieur HARVEY, du comté d’Essex (Angleterre), Pour des perfectionnements dans les armes à feu dites revolver. Cette invention est applicable aux armes à feu de l’espèce connue sous le nom de revolvers. Les perfectionnements consistent,..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 68933

Patent: Henry G. Piffard

Patent: Henry G. Piffard

US 319020 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY G. PIFFARD, OF NEW YORK, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF TO CHARLES A. TUCKER, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. RECOIL ATTACHMENT FOR PISTOLS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 319,020, dated June 2, 1885. Application filed February 20, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it..Read More

Patent: William Bullock

Patent: William Bullock

US 320910 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM. C. A. BULLOCK, OF MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 320,910, dated June 30, 1885. Application filed March 20, 1884. Renewed January 6, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM. C...Read More

Patent: M. Arendt

Patent: M. Arendt

Belgium 69394

Patent: Schlund

Patent: Schlund

Britain 9084 A.D. 1885, 28th Joly, № 9084. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improved Revolver Action. I, Henry Schlung of The Kynoch Gun Factory, Aston Cross, Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Civil Engineer do hereby declare the nature of my invention for “Improved Revolver Action” and in what manner the same is..Read More

Patent: Wesson & Wesson

Patent: Wesson & Wesson

US 323837 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON AND JOSEPH H. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 323,837, dated August 4, 1885. Application filed February 5, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, DANIEL B...Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 323838 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. SAFETY-LOCK MECHANISM FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 323,838, dated August 4, 1885. Application filed February 5, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, a..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 323839 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. SAFETY-LOCK MECHANISM FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 323,839, dated August 4, 1885. Application filed February 5, 1885. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, a..Read More

Patent: H. Schlund

Patent: H. Schlund

Germany 35720 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 35720 — KLASSE 72: Schusswarfen und Geschosse. HENRY SCHLUND in KYNOCH GUN FACTORY, ASTON CROSS (Birmingham, England). Revolverschlofs Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 11. August 1885 ab. In der Zeichnung zeigt Fig. 1 einen Längenschnitt, Fig. ıa eine perspectivische Ansicht bei offenem Lauf,. und Fig...Read More

Patent: Dimancea, H.

Patent: Dimancea, H.

Britain 9973 A.D. 1885, 22nd August. Nº 9973. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Revolving Small Arms. I Haralamb Dimmancea of Bucharest, Roumania, but now residing at № 299 Aston Lane, Witton near Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Captain in the Roumanian Artillery, do hereby declare the nature of the said..Read More

Patent: Athanase Chuchu

Patent: Athanase Chuchu

US 325053 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ATHANASE CHUCHU, OF BAHIA, BRAZIL. REPEATING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 325,053, dated August 25, 1885. Application filed January 15, 1885. (No model.) Patented in France July 6, 1833, No. 156,437, and April 2, 1884, No. 148,814, and in Belgium July..Read More

Patent: H. A. Silver & W. Fletcher

Patent: H. A. Silver & W. Fletcher

Germany 35952 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 35952 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Ügeschosse. HUGH ADAMS SILVER und WALTER FLETCHER in LONDON. Patronenauswerfer. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 10. October 1885 ab. Der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Erfindung besteht in einer Anordnung, welche dazu dient, die leeren Patronenhülsen selbstthätig aus den Revolverpistolen hinauszuwerfen,..Read More

Patent: Envalls Revolveroatentbolag

Patent: Envalls Revolveroatentbolag

Sweden 149 BESKRIFNING OFFENTLIGGIORD AF KONGL. PATENTBYRAN. ENVALLS REVOLVERPATENTBOLAG STOCKHOLM Lasmekanuism for Revolvrar. Patent i Sverige från den 15 maj 1885. Vill man med hittills brukliga sjelfspiinnande revolvrar med nigorlunda sikerhet kunna träffa sin motstindare, måste man fire anligghingen spiinna hanen med tummen så som pa vanlig pistol. Men vid..Read More

Patent: John Kelton

Patent: John Kelton

US 331891 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN C. KELTON, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. CARTRIDGE-PACK. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 331,891, dated December 8, 1885. Application filed October 1, 1885. Serial No. 178,766. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN C. KELTON,..Read More

Patent: James Boland

Patent: James Boland

US 333725 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES BOLAND, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE HOPKINS & ALLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 333,725, dated January 5, 1886. Application filed November 18, 1885. Serial No. 183,159. (No model.) To all whom it..Read More

Patent: Schlund

Patent: Schlund

France 173444


Patent: Pieper

France 173736 BREVET nº 173736, en date du 25 janvier 1886, A M. PIEPER, pour des perfectionnements aux armes à feu. (Extrait.) Pl. I. Dans les fusils et pistolets-revolver existe entre le canon et le barillet une solution de continuité; une partie de gaz s’échappe par cette jointure, et cette..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 336021 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCKFALL, CONNECTICUT. LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 336,021, dated February 9, 1886. Application filed May 4, 1885. Serial No. 164,299. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T...Read More

Patent: John Whitting

Patent: John Whitting

Britain 1923 A.D. 1886, 10th February. № 1923. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Revolving Firearms. I William John Whitting, of Whateley Road, Handsworth, in the County of Stafford, Toolmaker do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows:— The object of this invention is to prevent the fouling,..Read More

Patent: Pieper

Patent: Pieper

Britain 2167 A.D. 1886, 15th February № 2167. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Fire-arms with Movable Cartridge-chambers. I, Henry Pieper, manufacturer, residing at Liege, kingdom of Belgium, do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows:— My invention relates to fire-arms having cartridge-chambers that are separate from and..Read More

Patent: Henry Schlund

Patent: Henry Schlund

US 337201 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY SCHLUND, OF ASTON CROSS, COUNTY OF WARWICK, ENGLAND. REVOLVER SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 337,201, dated March 2, 1886. Application filed August 25, 1885. Serial No. 175,304. (No model.) Patented in England July 28, 1885, No. 9,081. To all whom it..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 336894 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 336,894, dated March 2, 1886. Application filed November 30, 1885. Serial No. 184,365. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, of..Read More

Patent: Franz von Dreyse

Patent: Franz von Dreyse

German 37057 Die Zeichnung stellt dar: Fig. 1 eine Seitenansicht der Auswerfervorrichtung, angebracht an einem Revolver M. 83 in herausgeschobener Stellung, Fig. 2 einen Querschnitt von Fig. 1, Fig. 3 einen Längsschnitt der Auswerfervorrichtung in zurückgezogener Stellung, Fig. 4 einen Längsschnitt der Auswerfervorrichtung in herausgeschobener Stellung, Fig. 5 eine Seitenansicht..Read More


Patent: A’Court Granville Birkin

France 175046 RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Ministère du Commerce et de l’Industrie Durée: Quinze ans N. 175,046 Brevet d’Invention sans garantie du Gouvernement Le Ministre du Commerce et de l’Industrie, Vu la loi du 5 juillet 1844; Vu le procès verbal dressé le 26. Mars 1886, à 3 heure minutes, au Secrétariat..Read More

Patent: Iver Johnson

Patent: Iver Johnson

US 339300 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,300, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed October 12, 1885, Serial No. 179,661. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, IVER JOHNSON, of city and..Read More

Patent: Johnson, Torkelson, & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson, Torkelson, & Fyrberg

US 339301 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON, REINHARD T. TORKELSON, AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID TORKELSON AND FYRBERG ASSIGNORS TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,301, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed January 4, 1886. Serial No. 187,558. (No model.) To all,..Read More

Patent: Reinhard Torkelson

Patent: Reinhard Torkelson

US 339346 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. REINHARD T. TORKELSON, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO IVER JOHNSON, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,346, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed October 12, 1885. Serial No. 179,659. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More

Patent: Reinhard Torkelson

Patent: Reinhard Torkelson

US 339347 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. REINHARD T. TORKELSON, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO IVER JOHNSON, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,347, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed October 29, 1885. Serial No. 181,242, (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 339149 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,149, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed February 20, 1886. Serial No. 192,710. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, George W. Cilley, of..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 73961

Patent: Silver & Fletcher

Patent: Silver & Fletcher

US 341696 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HUGH A. SILVER AND WALTER FLETCHER, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. EJECTING MECHANISM FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 341,696, dated May 11, 1886. Application filed January 18, 1886. Serial No. 188,976. (No model.) Patented in England December 6, 1884, No. 16,078. To..Read More

Patent: George H. Fox

Patent: George H. Fox

US 342507 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE H. FOX, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 342,507, dated May 25, 1886. Application filed March 12, 1886. Serial No. 194,993. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, GEORGE H. FOX, a..Read More

Patent: H. Dimancea

Patent: H. Dimancea

Germany 38623 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 38623 — KLASSE 12: Schusswarfen und Geschosse. HARALAMB DIMANCEA in BUKAREST (Rumänen) Neuerung an Revolvern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 24. Juni 1886 ab. An der Unterseite des hinteren Endes des feststehenden Laufes befindet sich ein Block, welcher die Achse trägt, um welche die kurze,..Read More

Patent: Johnson, Torkelson, Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson, Torkelson, Fyrberg

US 345974 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON, REINHARD T. TORKELSON, AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID TORKELSON AND FYRBERG ASSIGNORS TO SAID JOHNSON REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of the Letters Patent No. 345,974, dated July 20, 1886. Application filed March 27, 1886. Serial No. 196,787. (No model.) To..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 346327 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCKFALL CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No.346,327, dated July 27, 1886. Application filed January 18, 1886. Serial No. 188,861. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of Rockfall,..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 73834

Patent: Henri Pieper

Patent: Henri Pieper

Belgian 74171 Partial Translation: The invention consists of a new mode of automatic disengagement of the metal jouille after the firing of the arms oi rotating cylinder. On the recoil plate behind the cylinder, on the side of the door and above it, a hook piece is fixed with a..Read More

Patent: Charles Hopkins

Patent: Charles Hopkins

US 350367 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES W. HOPKINS, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 350,367, dated October 5, 1886. Application filed July 1, 1886. Serial No. 206,849. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Charles W. Hopkins, a..Read More

Patent: George Cilley

Patent: George Cilley

US 350346 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GEORGE W. CILLEY, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO THE HOPKINS & ALLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 350,346, dated October 5, 1886. Application filed July 1, 1 SSG. Serial No. 206,845. (No model.) To all whom..Read More

Patent: Henri Pieper

Patent: Henri Pieper

Belgian 74776   Camming extractor like previous

Patent: Henry Goodman

Patent: Henry Goodman

US 352185 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY GOODMAN, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, ASSIGNOR FOR DANIEL P. KANE, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 352,185, dated November 9, 1886. Application filed February 6, 1886. Serial No. 191,041. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 75147

Patent: Gustaf Envall

Patent: Gustaf Envall

US 352863 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GUSTAF ENVALL OF STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, ASSIGNOR TO WILLIAM W. THOMAS, JR., OF PORTLAND, MAINE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 352,863, dated November 16, 1886. Application filed June 3, 1885. Serial No. 167,507. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Fraunegger

Patent: Fraunegger

France 179763

Patent: F. Praunegger

Patent: F. Praunegger

Germany 41320 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 41320 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. FERDINAND PRAUNEGGER in GRAZ. Vorrichtung zum selbstthätigen Auswerfen der Patronenhülsen bei Revolvern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 19. November 1886 ab. In beiliegender Zeichnung ist ein Revolver in Fig. 1 in Längenansicht und theilweise im Schnitt dargestellt. Fig...Read More

Patent: James Boland

Patent: James Boland

US 353914 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES BOLAND, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 353,914, dated December 7, 1886. Application filed July 30, 1886. Serial No. 209,520. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, James Boland, a citizen Of..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 354545 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS RELOADING CARTRIDGE-PACK. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 354,454, dated December 14, 1886. Application filed August 4, 1886. Serial No. 209,994. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known, that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More

Patent: Daniel L. Tower

Patent: Daniel L. Tower

US 355233 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL L. TOWER, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. EXTRACTOR FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 355,233, dated December 28, 1886. Application filed July 15, 1886. Serial No. 208,091. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL..Read More

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 75732

Patent: J. Warnant

Patent: J. Warnant

Belgium 75740

Patent: Sullivan Forehand

Patent: Sullivan Forehand

US 355761 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SULLIVAN FOREHAND, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 355,761, dated January 11, 1887. Application filed October 25, 1886. Serial No, 217,087. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, SULLIVAN FOREHAND, a citizen of..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 356387 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patent No. 356,387, dated January 18, 1887. Application filed October 25, 1886. Serial No. 217,091. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, a..Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 357085 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 357,085, dated February 1, 1887. Serial No. 212,092. (No model.) Application filed August 28, 1886. To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Vernin

Patent: Vernin

France 181465

Patent: John C. Howe

Patent: John C. Howe

US 357710 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN C. HOWE, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 357,710, dated February 15, 1887. Application filed November 13, 1886. Serial No. 218,759. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN C. HOWE,..Read More

Patent: Pays

Patent: Pays

France 181937

Patent: Schlund

Patent: Schlund

France 173444

Patent: Harrington & Richardson

Patent: Harrington & Richardson

US 360686 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. GILBERT H. HARRINGTON AND WILLIAM. A. RICHARDSON, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 360,686, dated April 5, 1887. Application filed April 7, 1886. Serial No. 198,100. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: Be it known that we,..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 361100 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. LOCK DEVICE FOR FIRE-ARMS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 361,100, dated April 12, 1887. Application filed August 4, 1886. Serial No. 209,993. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 361101 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. BARREL-CATCH AND CYLINDER-RETAINING DEVICE FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 361,101, dated April 12, 1887. Application filed January 17, 1887. Serial No. 221,524. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that..Read More

Patent: Frank Foster

Patent: Frank Foster

US 361819 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FRANK A. FOSTER, OF NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. EJECTOR MECHANISM FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 361,819, dated April 26, 1887. Application filed February 1, 1887. Serial No. 227,335. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that, FRANK. A...Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 362631 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 362,631, dated May 10, 1887. Application filed December 27, 1886. Serial No. 222,596. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 362632 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 362,632, dated May 10, 1887. Application filed January 21, 1887. Serial No. 325,276. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: H. A. Schlund

Patent: H. A. Schlund

Germany 41728 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 41728 — KLASSE 72: Scutsswafren und Geschosse. HENRY A. SCHLUND in KYNOCH GUN FACTORY (Aston Cross, Birmingham, England). Neuerung an dem unter No. 35720 patentirten Revolverschlofs. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 13. Mai 1887 ab. Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft im wesentlichen Abänderungen an dem unter..Read More

Patent: Vernin

Patent: Vernin

France 181465 add

Patent: John M. Marlin

Patent: John M. Marlin

US 367535 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 367,535, dated August 2, 1887. Application filed April 27, 1887. Serial No. 236,297. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN M. MARLIN,..Read More

Patent: John M. Marlin

Patent: John M. Marlin

US 368599 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN M. MARLIN, OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 368,599, dated August 23, 1887. Application filed March 28, 1887. Serial No. 232,766. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be if known that I, JOHN M. MARLIN,..Read More

Patent: Homer. M. Caldwell

Patent: Homer. M. Caldwell

US 370926 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HOMER M. CALDWELL, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO GILBERT H. HARRINGTON AND WILLIAM A. RICHARDSON, BOTH OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 370,926, dated October 4, 1887. Application filed March 22, 1887. Serial No, 232,198. (No model.) To..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 371532 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 371,532, dated October 11, 1887. Application filed March 28, 1887. Serial No. 232,702. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON,..Read More

Patent: John C. Howe

Patent: John C. Howe

US 373893 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN C. HOWE, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO SULLIVAN FOREHAND, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 373,893, dated November 29, 1887. Application Filed April 1, 1887. Serial No, 233,251. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: Berger

Patent: Berger

France 187456 BREVET nº 187456, en date du 10 décembre 1887, A M. BERGER, pour des perfectionnements aux pistoletsrevolvers. (Extrait.) Pl. XIV, fig. 1 et 2. Dans les deux types de pistolets-revolvers spéciaux à ma fabrication représentés fig. 1 et 2, les perfectionnements, objet de ce brevet, consistent en ce..Read More

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Patent: M. Kaufmann

Belgium 79640

Patent: Didier

Patent: Didier

France 187636

Patent: Lhomond

Patent: Lhomond

France 187792

Patent: Martin Bye

Patent: Martin Bye

US 375799 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MARTIN BYE, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO SULLIVAN FOREHAND, OF SAME PLACE. FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 375,799, dated January 3, 1888. Application filed October 21, 1887. Serial No. 252,949. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known..Read More

Patent: John T. Smith

Patent: John T. Smith

US 376922 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN T. SMITH, OF ROCKFALL, CONNECTICUT. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 376,922, dated January 24, 1888. Application filed Jane 6, 1887. Serial No. 240,400. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN T. SMITH, of..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 377877 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. BARREL-CATCH DEVICE FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 377,877, dated February 14, 1888. Application filed October 10, 1887. Serial No. 251,900. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL..Read More

Patent: Daniel Wesson

Patent: Daniel Wesson

US 377878 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DANIEL B. WESSON, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 377,878, dated February 14, 1888. Application filed December 27, 1887. Serial No. 259,011. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, DANIEL B. WESSON, a..Read More

Patent: Turpin

Patent: Turpin

France 188824

Patent: August Greth

Patent: August Greth

US 378091 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. AUGUST GRETH, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. REVOLVER, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 378,091, dated February 21, 1888. Application filed January 10, 1887. Serial No. 223,955. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, AUGUST GRETH, a citizen..Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 379225 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. BARREL LOCK FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 379,225, dated March 13, 1888. Application filed November 3, 1887. Serial No. 254,189. (No model.) To all whom it..Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 379226 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG,OF WORCESTER,MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 379,226, dated March 13,1888. Application filed July 29,1887. Serial No. 84558. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we,..Read More

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

Patent: Johnson & Fyrberg

US 379227 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. IVER JOHNSON AND ANDREW FYRBERG, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS; SAID FYRBERG ASSIGNOR TO SAID JOHNSON. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 379,227, dated March 13, 1888. Application filed July 29, 1887. Serial No. 245,584. (No model.) To all, whom it may concern: Be..Read More

Patent: William H. Sprague

Patent: William H. Sprague

US 380361 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM H. SPRAGUE, OF JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 380,361, dated April 3, 1888. Application filed March 3, 1886. Serial No. 193,888. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIAM H. SPRAGUE,..Read More

Patent: Carter, J., and Whiting, W. J.

Patent: Carter, J., and Whiting, W. J.

Britain 5778 A.D. 1888, 18h April. № 5778. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Repeater and other Small Arms. We, John Carter of Mona Terrace, Bracebridge Street, Aston Juxta, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Pistol Action Filer, and William John Whiting also of Mona Terrace, Bracebridge Street, Aston Juxta, aforesaid, Tool..Read More

Patent: E. Giehrl

Patent: E. Giehrl

Germany 45570 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 45570 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. EDUARD GIEHRL in WALDSASSEN (Bayern). Revolverschlofs. Patentirt, im Deutschen Reiche vom 24. April 1888 ab. Die nachstehend beschriebene, in Fig. 1 bis 5 dargestellte Erfindung bezweckt, hauptsächlich die Treffsicherheit und Schufsweite bei Revolvern dadurch zu erhöhen, dafs die..Read More

Patent: Homer. M. Caldwell

Patent: Homer. M. Caldwell

US 383701 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HOMER M. CALDWELL, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO THIS WARRINGTON & RICHARDSON ARMS COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVING FIRE-ARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 383,701, dated May 29, 1888. Application filed March 7, 1888. Serial No. 966,451. (No model.) T0 all whom..Read More

Patent: Darvey

Patent: Darvey

France 190967

Patent: Törnell, T. F.

Patent: Törnell, T. F.

Britain 8331 A.D. 1888, 7th June. № 8331. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or relating to Revolvers. I, Tor Fabian Tornell of Carlsborg in the Kingdom of Sweden, Lieutenant do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is, to be performed, to be particularly described..Read More

Patent: Törnell

Patent: Törnell

Germany 45636 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 45636 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. TOR FABIAN TÖRNELL in CARLSBORG (SCHWEDEN). Walzen-und Abzug-Einrichtung an Revolvern. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 7. Juni 1883 ab. Bei den bisher bekannten Revolvern läfst sich die Kammer in einer Richtung frei drehen, weshalb die Kammer unabsichtlich in..Read More

Patent: Tornell

Patent: Tornell

France 194194

Patent: G. Tischer

Patent: G. Tischer

Germany 45875 G. Tischer in Melsungen (Reg.-Bez. Cassel). Mehrladegewehr mit unter dem Lauf liegendem Magazinrohr und hinter diesem liegender Revolver-Walze. Deutsches Reichspatent No 45875 vom 16. Juni 1888 ab. (Hiezu Abbildungen Fig. 1-31 der Tafel.) Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Repetirgewehr mit Magazin und mit Cylinderverschluss und besteht in..Read More

Patent: David Hall Rice

Patent: David Hall Rice

US 385009 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DAVID HALL RICE, OF BROOKLINE, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. EXTRACTING MECHANISM FOR REVOLVERS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 385,009, dated June 26, 1888. Application filed April 14, 1888. Serial No. 270,667. (No model.) To all..Read More

Patent: Tor Fabian Törnell

Patent: Tor Fabian Törnell

Sweden 1430 PATENT №1430 BESKRIFNING OFFENTLIGGJORD AP KONGL. PATENTBYRÅN. T. F. TÖRNELL. CARLSBORG. Säkerlietsaftryckare vid revolvrar. Patent i Sverige från den 15 mars 1888. Vid den nu för svenska officerare föreskrifna revolverkonstruktionen kan kammarstycket mellan skottlossningarna fritt vridas i en rigtning, livilket förorsakar att kammarstycket oafsigtligt kan blifva stäldt i..Read More

Patent: H. Pieper

Patent: H. Pieper

Belgium 82442

Patent: Max Fliegenschmidt

Patent: Max Fliegenschmidt

Belgium 82870 (Thanks

Patent: Whyte

Patent: Whyte

Germany 46453 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 46453 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. CHARLES CECIL BERESFORD WHYTE in HATLEY MANORBARRICK am Channon (Grafsch. Leitrim, Irland). Sicherheits-Tragehaken für Feuerwaffen. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 31. August 1888 ab. Vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen Halter für Revolver, Karabiner und andere Feuerwaffen, welcher..Read More

Patent: H. Pieper

Patent: H. Pieper

Germany 48086 PATENTSCHRIFT — Nº 48086 — KLASSE 72: Schusswaffen und Geschosse. HENRI PIEPER in LÜTTICH. Hahngewehr mit Bajonnet-Revolver. Patentirt im Deutschen Reiche vom 5. October 1888 ab. Der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Erfindung besteht in einem Gewehr, bei welchem das gewöhnliche (Stofs-oder Hau-) Bajonnet durch einen wie dieses auf den..Read More

Patent: Reinhard T. Torkelson

Patent: Reinhard T. Torkelson

US 391214 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. REINEHARD T. TORKELSON, OF WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO IVER JOHNSON, OF SAME PLACE. REVOLVER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 391,214, dated October 6, 1888. Application filed August 1, 1888. Serial No. 281,680. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it..Read More